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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-10-2010 5:52 PM by 9 LEE. 23 replies.
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  • 01-11-2008 8:18 AM

    Why am I moderated?

    Not always but sometimes when I leave a post I recieve a message saying that my posts is being moderated before it can appear on the site. Why is this. I do not swear in forums and I  steer away from off topic issues that might cause annoyance - you know war in Iraq etc. It only seems to happen with lengthy posts is there any rhyme or reason?
  • 01-11-2008 8:36 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Hi Graham,

                    I've noticed having to approve a couple of your posts in the past but don't know of any obvious reason as to why they have been put into the approval area. There is no "bar" on your account - as proved by this thread appearing without any intervention.

    All I can really say at the moment is the site "blocker" is extremely sensative and will hold a post of it is in any way construed as being offensive. The problem here being software has no common sense and will not take any word, or part of, in context and simply not allow the post. I suspect this is the case with your experience. I'll ask van to see if he knows of any other reason. I know it is frustrating for you and anyone else who has had this happen to them and in the meantime please just sit tight - we DO value yours and every members input.

    EDIT: it has just occured to me that posts with a lot of links in them will be put on hold but cannot remember if this may be the case with the threads you mention?



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 01-11-2008 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    It is just the system. Are you putting links in your posts? It is not anyone human doing this!!
  • 01-11-2008 8:39 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    no - its weird I thought it might be because I am partial to the term crap or *** but I have cut that out. Yet it happens in completely "innocent" posts.
  • 01-11-2008 8:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    the *** was supposed to say bottom with se at the end and ar at the front
  • 01-11-2008 8:44 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    I have to admit that your posting manners are exemplary Graham, I've asked van to check if there is anything I've missedSmile

    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 01-11-2008 8:48 AM In reply to

    • van
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Just looking into it guys....
  • 01-11-2008 8:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    It does not really matter most of the time because normaly I am just asking stuff that is not time sensitive. However, I responded to a post about transporting an Avant in a car (something which I have experience of) which did not contain any *** earlier today and this needs moderation. Does not bother me but kind of renders me posting it pointless.


    On another note - no point in starting a new thread for this trivial question: In A Clockwork Orange film is the record player in the room of the lead character seen quite early on in the film (white) B&O by any chance. It would fit I guess as he does rob and therefore have loads of money to buy expensive stuff. In fact the whole film is littered with style icons...

  • 01-11-2008 8:59 AM In reply to

    • van
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Hi Graham

    I have looked into your account and there is nothing out of the ordinary and you have got the standard settings on your account.

    I must admit that the software can sometimes be very sensitive particularly when a lot of hyperlinks are used.

    I have tweaked your settings to see if it will make any difference.

    Please let me know if this makes any difference.

    Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused with your posts. 

  • 01-11-2008 9:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    It's not always about your posting specifically. I was put onto moderation because of the work *** in  the title of the ***iest speakers thread I responded to.

    As an experiment I am going to see what the system makes of the town Scunthorpe!




  • 01-11-2008 9:02 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    no probs, I have a site myself and have the same issues sometimes. Is there a chance you could approve the Avant post?





  • 01-11-2008 9:12 AM In reply to

    • van
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    I was born and bred in Scunthorpe funnily enough....

    Graham, I have looked in the "moderation" folder and there is nothing currently awaiting approval.

  • 01-11-2008 9:14 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Why am I moderated?


    It's not always about your posting specifically. I was put onto moderation because of the work *** in  the title of the ***iest speakers thread I responded to.

    As an experiment I am going to see what the system makes of the town Scunthorpe!



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 01-11-2008 9:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?


    It's not always about your posting specifically. I was put onto moderation because of the work *** in  the title of the ***iest speakers thread I responded to.

    As an experiment I am going to see what the system makes of the town Scunthorpe!




    As the saying goes, "if Margaret Thatcher put the Brit back into Britain who put the ...... in S****thorpe?

  • 01-11-2008 11:51 AM In reply to

    • h1npw
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    I may be wrong but I think the turntable you are refering to was a Transcriptors.



  • 01-11-2008 2:46 PM In reply to

    • Craig
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    Re: Why am I moderated?


    On another note - no point in starting a new thread for this trivial question: In A Clockwork Orange film is the record player in the room of the lead character seen quite early on in the film (white) B&O by any chance. It would fit I guess as he does rob and therefore have loads of money to buy expensive stuff. In fact the whole film is littered with style icons...

    Pretty sure it is a complete Beosytem 1200. Seem to remeber reading it on the old site.



    For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen..

  • 01-13-2008 9:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Just posted another comment on the Torben topic.....
    Got this response but swear I watched my language and content. what is happening to this site?????
    Come-on guys. This is not what I signed up for. If it is there because there is a risk of people feeling touchy, then one has to question if touchy sensitive people should be on a public debate forum. Cant take the heat......
    Post Pending Moderation
    You have posted to a forum that requires a moderator to approve posts before they are publicly available.

    If the administrator has configured this forum to support email notifications you will receive an email when your post is either approved or denied (if you have emails enabled in your profile).

    Return to the General Forum forum

  • 01-13-2008 9:25 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    As said before, it is not us but the software - and I cannot see any reason why your post was moderated. The moderators will approve posts when they come up as long as there are no real problems so please be patient. There is no censoring of views and no conspiracy - just Microsoft software!
  • 01-13-2008 9:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    thanks. comforting to know. why now?
  • 05-10-2010 3:23 PM In reply to

    • Philippe
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Hi guys,

    This post addresses the same issue, and thus it is intended for moderators action : I posted 2 posts today with pictures (in the thread "flash your B&O" on the general forum and the thread "Light-lamp" on Lifestyle forum).

    For both, I was warned that my posts are waiting for a moderator approval. Is that because there are pics enclosed? Could the filter take into account who is posting?

    So could you please guys approve my posts so they can appear in the threads?

    Thank you very much,



  • 05-10-2010 4:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Both approved. It really is just the software - I left for work at 07-15 this morning and only got back at 20-45 so sorry for the wait.

  • 05-10-2010 5:02 PM In reply to

    • Philippe
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    Oh Peter, I had no idea it was you who was solely in charge of this.

    Appreciate your input and your dedication, as always.


    Take good care,


  • 05-10-2010 5:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Why am I moderated?

    I am not alone! But I think all of the moderators hav been busy today. This site is always getting more professional but I am afraid the moderators are still all just enthusiasts. Personally I think this makes this a friendly and welcoming place but obviously we do sometimes take time to react!

  • 05-10-2010 5:52 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Why am I moderated?

    As mentioned - it's nothing personal if your post goes for approval.  The filters can be 'jumpy' - but when was the last time we saw a spam attack or profane post from a 'bot' on here..  I'm proud to say we are free of all that rubbish - and BeoWorld is all the better for it.

    With the good things come the not-so-good things - but i think the good things far outweigh them Smile

    That said, when i get a free moment i'll look into the settings.


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

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