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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-25-2008 11:36 PM by wongss. 6 replies.
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  • 04-25-2007 11:02 AM

    Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    I'm thinking of using a Beogram 4000 or 4002(4) together with my Beolab 5000 amplifier. Not having access to the old forum I'd like to ask the gang about compatibility and preferences.


  • 04-25-2007 11:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    They actually sound very similar but the Beogram 4000 is in my opinion the best looking and also has the heavier platter. It is also the best made and has not had the bean counters stripping it which is what happened later on! They were perfectly right so to do mind you as the 4000 has features that are simply unnecessary. It is also by far the most complex to fix and parts could be tricky - especially the control chips. The 4002 and 4004 have a much simpler control system which works just as well!

    I use both - the 4000 in my audiophile system and the 4004 next to my computer to record records onto hard disc.

    Of course you should be looking for a Beogram 3000 Thorens like Frede's! This has much more extended bass and is a wonderful deck.

  • 04-25-2007 11:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    I have an AC version of the 4002 and it is a lovely deck. I was looking for a 4000 as it was the first in the series and had some of the overengineering that tends to get me quite excited, but as I couldn't find one I settled on a very nice 4002 that I bought from eBay.

    Peter is the expert here and thinks they sound similar, so I guess the questions is whether you'd prefer the first of the line with its eccentricities, or the slightly simpler later models that are perhaps easier to work on etc.

    Of course, if you really value rarity and eccentricity in equal measure, why not go for a Beogram 6000 with the CD4 thingy in it just because you can!


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 04-25-2007 11:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please


    They actually sound very similar but the Beogram 4000 is in my opinion the best looking and also has the heavier platter. It is also the best made and has not had the bean counters stripping it which is what happened later on! They were perfectly right so to do mind you as the 4000 has features that are simply unnecessary. It is also by far the most complex to fix and parts could be tricky - especially the control chips. The 4002 and 4004 have a much simpler control system which works just as well!

    I use both - the 4000 in my audiophile system and the 4004 next to my computer to record records onto hard disc.

    Of course you should be looking for a Beogram 3000 Thorens like Frede's! This has much more extended bass and is a wonderful deck.

     Yes, the Beogram 3000 would be the authentically correct one - but I kind of feel that the 4000-series would go well with the Beolab/Beomaster 5000 ...

    Thanks for the input. (A year ago I had the opportunity to get a complete 6000 Quadraphonic system from mothball in Sweden, with remote) -- still regretting not doing that. Have lost the contact info to the seller!!! (But then again I have been warned about this compulsive need to collect that strikes B&O enthusiasts!)

  • 04-25-2007 12:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    The system you have sounds better than the 6000 system in my view. Although this is a great system, it disapponts me in some ways. The amplifier is not as good as it could be and the top panel should be glass rather than plastic which scratches. The 3400 amplifier actually sounds better as well and there is no B&O cassette deck which is quad. Looks lovely though.

    I did just as you planned and used a Beogram 4000 with the Beolab 5000. I think they go together very well. I would suggest a new Soundsmith cartridge. I am trying to persuade them to do me a silver SMMC20CL+ for my 4000! Maybe if enough of us asked!Laughing

  • 11-20-2008 10:45 PM In reply to

    • wongss
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    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    Hi, i have a problem with my Beogram 4002 which need your advice.

     after i press the "start button" the linear arm will move to almost center on the LP and the motor will keep running (non- stop), i had to press the "down/play" button the motor of the arm will stop.


    then i will need to press ">" to move the arm to the beginning of LP to play it. The worse is that the linear arm will static on the position and it will not move when playing, so the song will be keep repeating....


    any idea on this problem?

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  • 11-25-2008 11:36 PM In reply to

    • wongss
    • Not Ranked
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    Re: Beogram 4002(4) vs. Beogram 4000 - advice please

    I have solve the problem partially. The arm will stop at starting point of the Lp now.

     But still have  2 problem can't solve:

     1) after the arm drop down to play LP, it will just static, so the music is keep repeating at the same position.

    2) left channel no sound or extremely low volume

     Anyone know what the fuction of the NEC 2SC1003 IC?

    Any advice on this? 

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