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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-05-2010 1:41 AM by Habahaba. 4 replies.
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  • 01-04-2010 4:05 AM

    Beolab 9 and wall echoes & 3rd party AV amps


    I huge long time B&O fan from Finland here!

    Unfortunately my beloved MX6000 feels a little outdated and needs replacement. So does the music systems. Or actually, the unfortunate part is that since last time I was buying B&O it was much cheaper Sad. So, I have a problem. I have my sights set on the Beolab 9 - and that pretty much eats my budget. I would love Beolab 8000 also, but then I'd probably want to have the sub also and suddenly were not that far away in the budget. The other thing that has changed is the quality and design of TVs from other brands, like Samsung and LG. So, in order to get the Beolab 9s, I'm looking at some other brand TV. Which forces me to look at other brand AV amps also. Oh, I will hide then deeply into some cabins!!

    So to the questions. Are there any problems in using B&O active speakers with other brand AV amps? I'm currently considering Rotel RSP-1570 and Denon AVR-3310. Rotel is straightforward pre-amp or processor, but lacks room corrections like Audyssey. Denon has Audyssey and also pre-outs where I imagine I can connect the Beolab9s. Does anybody have any experience in this kind of AV amps? Have you run Audyssey with B&O ALT speakers? (Actually, I plan on skipping Audyssey for the Beolab 9s at front - don't know yet what I will buy for the rear if anything at all as music is the main driver for this change).

    Other question is that am I mad in buying the Beolab 9s as the room isn't too big. 3.5 meters wide and about 5-6m long. However, one of the wall opens to dining area at the side. So, basically the wall there is a piano and then it opens up to the dining area. The other side is long window wall where I do have curtains. So my worry is that while the ALT should be nice in getting the sound to the dining are also, it might create distracting echoes from the close wall. Can you guys comment on this? There isn't much reviews around about the ALT speakers and usually the Hi-Fi people comment that you should get more directional speakers to get rid of room problems. ALT is kind of opposite to that. And as it's big money... I'd like to hear your opinions.

    Why not get the Beolab 3 (+sub) and save money for B&O TV? Well... as much as I like the design of B&O - and I do! - I kind of hate them. They are kind of cools as they are weird, but to be honest, they don't compare to the likes of Beolab 8000 and 9.


    Thanks for all the comments!



  • 01-04-2010 8:02 AM In reply to

    • Evan
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    Re: Beolab 9 and wall echoes & 3rd party AV amps

    Welcome to BeoWorld Harri,

    You're BeoLab + Non B&O amp combination is a very common one. I cannot tell you exactly what you need to do it, (I don't have such a setup) but there are many helpful threads you can search through to get the ball rolling.

    As far as the BeoLab 3/8000 argument goes, there are many different opinions. I place sound over style, but then again, most people who buy B&O can be very picky about the way their things look and that can make all the difference. Sonically, they are both great, but I would reccomend going to you're local dealer to have a good listen to both of them. There was also recent thread that compared the two speakers pretty well.

    Good luck!



  • 01-04-2010 10:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 9 and wall echoes & 3rd party AV amps

    The link of B&O to a normal AMP is no problem if this AMP has a pre-amp output. I had this for a while before investing in full B&O setup. You just need a RCA to DIN cable and setup the speakers in LINE mode.

    I have the BL3 speakers in a somehow similar room and like them a lot. With the ALT the sound is perfectly spread over the room and listening positions for TV or Stereo are even different. I do not think BL8000 is giving same experience. 

    I do not miss a SUB, not even vor Blue Rays - but prefer not to try it with a BL2 in my setup ;-)



    BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 /  Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

  • 01-04-2010 11:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 9 and wall echoes & 3rd party AV amps

    One problem if you are using B&O speakers with a non-B&O preamp, is that if you have surround channel speakers they will click on and off as they receive the signal.  If you are just running stereo speakers that should be fine.

  • 01-05-2010 1:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 9 and wall echoes & 3rd party AV amps

    Thanks all for the information! Obviously I hope that in future, B&O will come out with a product that I can use to replace this system.



    One problem if you are using B&O speakers with a non-B&O preamp, is that if you have surround channel speakers they will click on and off as they receive the signal.  If you are just running stereo speakers that should be fine.

    Sorry, I didn't quite get which will click on and off? All B&O speakers or just the surround speakers? Does that make a noise? Or what is the problem? I would think that it is the way they work also in B&O system (i.e. they turn off when not needed). 

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