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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-02-2009 7:08 PM by Piaf. 2 replies.
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  • 10-01-2009 10:21 PM

    • Piaf
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-08-2007
    • Victoria, British Columbia
    • Posts 409
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    Beomaster 2400

    I pose this question more in fun than anything else, as there are so many variables as to make an exact answer virtually impossible, but I ask the question, none the less.


    Today I was playing my Beomaster 2400/Beocord 9000 had fairly high volume using S-75 speakers and noted that the speakers sounded as if they were being pushed to near their limit. This would seem impossible for a 60w amp, but the impression remained.


    I had originally used S-45 speakers with this Beomaster thinking it the perfect match, but it was extremely clear that the S-45’s could not handle the power, not even close.


    The condition of both sets of speakers is suspect, but neither set has any clear deficiencies….. that is broken speakers or crossover issues.


    What intrigues me the most about this situation is that this particular 2400 seems “happiest” when powering my McIntosh ML-2 speakers separately or in conjunction with the Linn Isobarics… both power hogs.


    Turn up the volume and the 2400 heats up alright, but the sound is sensational with the big speakers.


    While I accept that I maybe a bit daft and may have less than perfect hearing, but I am willing to risk this label in order to see if there is any technical reason for this oddity.



  • 10-02-2009 1:43 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400

    I suspect you are getting distortion from the 2400 - but I suppose it might be the speakers. Try another amplifier in the first event and see if it produces a similar effect.

  • 10-02-2009 7:08 PM In reply to

    • Piaf
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-08-2007
    • Victoria, British Columbia
    • Posts 409
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    Re: Beomaster 2400

    Hi Peter,


    Well that was not the answer I had hoped for, but I agree, you are most likely correct.



    The Beomaster 2400 is the same one I had written in previously about, vis a vis smelling like burning electronics.


    The overall sound quality has not been noticeably affected; however I have to turn the volume up higher than before the burning smell began.


    The problem with the 2400 is that I have no repair facilities remotely nearby and this problem exceeds my rather limited tech abilities.


    Considering the relative value of these 2400’s shipping it to Martin is unrealistic. The shipping costs of both my Beogram 4000 and Beocord 9000 were about $400 ONE way, added to the stubborn Danish Customs that insist on charging duty as if I were selling the units to Martin.


    Whatever the problem it has not affected the sound quality and not one channel more than the other.


    I find it sad indeed that something as well made as a Beomaster 2400 is not worth the repair costs…. In this case, more accurately, the shipping costs.


    It cost about US$1,200 to ship the 4000 & 9000 and that was worth it (ouch!) to me.


    Thank you for your comment.




    P.S. I had considered connecting the 2400 up to my inefficient McIntosh speakers so see if it could still handle them with ease, as it had in the past, but sensing that I have a failing amp, I didn’t think it worth pushing this unit into probable failure. As it is, the 2400 operates acceptably and I would prefer keeping it that way.

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