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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-26-2010 3:19 PM by Damion Hankejh. 4 replies.
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  • 08-25-2010 5:05 AM

    BeoLab Penta 3 | Storage | temperature range


    I have a pair of BeoLab Pent 3 active loudspeakers that are destined for a lakehouse in Lucerne.  Over winters, the house is very cold.

    I have downloaded a manual (as I am not at home now), but cannot find any data on temperature limitations for storage. 

    Can anyone point me to this info?

    Kind regards,

    Damion Hankejh



    CTO, angel investor, philanthropist |

    BeoCenter 9500 & BeoLab Penta 3

  • 08-25-2010 5:43 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab Penta 3 | Storage | temperature range

    They probably have no particular limitations. Commecial grade electronics in general (at component level) is usually specified down to -40C, but even that is no hard limit - just something the components have been statistically proven to survive. This however requires dry (non-condensing) conditions.

    I have plenty of electronics that spend the winter at the unheated summer house (goes well below -20C every year) and have never seen any problems arising due to storage. I would be more worried if they were left in an unconditioned storage in tropical weather.


  • 08-25-2010 9:23 AM In reply to

    • Dennis
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    Re: BeoLab Penta 3 | Storage | temperature range

    Here you can see, what a Beovision Avant was going thru of different tests. (Go to the website, select: "Old factory" and see the video: "Test of video products") If an Avant can go thru that, then I also think your Pentas can!

    Best Regards


    I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!

    Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.

    Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000

    Wish list: Beolab 2,

  • 08-26-2010 3:17 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab Penta 3 | Storage | temperature range

    Thanks for your message Mika -- I thought they would be fine, I'm just a tad over protective of my first Pentas. You've helped me decide to move them to the North Woods ;)


    CTO, angel investor, philanthropist |

    BeoCenter 9500 & BeoLab Penta 3

  • 08-26-2010 3:19 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab Penta 3 | Storage | temperature range

    Great* video -- had to see it twice -- thanks for the link Loudspeaker!


    CTO, angel investor, philanthropist |

    BeoCenter 9500 & BeoLab Penta 3

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