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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-06-2008 1:52 AM by YannChris. 3 replies.
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  • 12-29-2007 2:57 PM

    • YannChris
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • Larmor-Plage, France
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    Selecting a playlist


    I see that some Beoworlders created macros to select an artist or an album in Net-Music.

    I use Net-Music through a Beoport connected to my PC and my Link-network.

    I would like to create a macro to select playlists using my Beo5.

    How to do?

    Thanks for your help,


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  • 12-29-2007 3:44 PM In reply to

    • Luigi
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    Re: Selecting a playlist

    Hi Yann.

    I use a sconi V2 (now discontinued) connected to my PC for controlling Beoplayer from Beo5. I have added many IR codes no used to control B&O products, but it works perfect with sconi.

    Sorry, but I don't know any way using only the beo5. Try looking on the Lintronic website.



  • 01-04-2008 12:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Selecting a playlist

    I'm not sure if this would work the same with a PC, but this works for me with a mac and beoport with iTunes:

    You take the existing buttons on the Beo 5 for Album, Artist, Genre, and Playlist that appear on the Beo 5 menu when you touch "N.Music" and allow them to generate sub-menus by selecting that option under "advanced" on the config program on the "edit" screen." That way, you can have a submenu under, for example, "Artist" to place a list of the artists. You must also make sure that there is the IR command on the "Artist" button for the corresponding Beo4/Beo5 color button. Then, you create buttons on the new "Artist" submenu for each artist that you would like to have on the submenu. On each of these buttons you create an IR string for the numeric value assigned to it on N.Music. On BM-Link for macs, the artists are assigned a numeric value alphabetically that you can access directly by pressing those buttons on the Beo4. I'm not sure if this feature works with a PC; however. You create the IR string by using the "ciffer" command codes when editing the buttons. This will create buttons that will instantly access each such artist. You can do the same thing for "album," "genre," and "playlist." You can even attach a bitmap of the album's cover art as a logo. Also, you can create submenus within submenus that will, for example, bring up a list of albums for each artist. The problem with this, however, is that whenever you add any music to iTunes, the numeric values could all change, and you would need to go back and edit everything. This might be easier to edit by using "channel" buttons, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this from within the "edit" screen. The channel buttons seem to be specifically linked to TV channels and radio stations with a limited number of such channels.

    Again, this procedure might only work with a mac, but I thought it might be of some help. 

  • 01-06-2008 1:52 AM In reply to

    • YannChris
    • Top 200 Contributor
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    • Larmor-Plage, France
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    Re: Selecting a playlist

    Hello and thanks for you answer.

    As I'm a PC user, I use the Beoport/Beoplayer combination.

    On the Beoplayer lists, I can only see numbers in the "album" view, these number show the track numbers of the album.

    If using Beo4, I send "1" when a playlist is running, the player will skip to the 1st track inside the playlist, not the 1st playlist as I would like it to do.

    Any idea from anyone?

    Have a nice sunday,



    Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!

    Mon install en images: cliquez sur mon profil, au dessus de mon avatar - Puis "My files" tout en bas.

    Pictures of my setup: click on my nickname, above my avatar. Then "my files" at the bottom of the page.

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