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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-28-2007 7:41 PM by erg4000. 6 replies.
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  • 11-17-2007 7:20 PM

    Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    Dear all,

    since I bought my Beo 5 two months ago, my local dealer faces some major problems with the configuration. As an early adopter, the dealer had my understanding for his adaption to the software and this new product. After waiting almost two months, I handed my Beo 5 to my B&O dealer. Together we generated a list of features, like channels, devices and rooms of my B&O setups at home. After trying for allmost one week, my dealer told me that he allmost gave up. The software crashes continuously during uploading the setup. After several phone calls to Struer, B&O itself admitted reportedly that they are facing some major issues with more "complex" configurations of the Beo 5.

    Unlike many other B&O products the Beo 5 issue generates frustration for me:

    1. The Beo 5 software and it's configuration tool seems not to be technically mature for the use with complex setups.

    2. The dealers seem to be overstrained by a complex and time-consuming configuration tool for the Beo5.

    3. It's highly unsatisfactory for the customer to ask his dealer for a favor, even for minor changes of the Beo 5 configuration. 


    Did anybody else have similar experiences with the Beo5 ?






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  • 11-28-2007 6:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    My dealer finally capitulated in programming the Beo5, after two weeks. He offered me refunding and I gave them back the Beo5. I'm wondering if B&O is expecting too much from their dealers. My dealer seemed overstrained with this product.  

  • 11-28-2007 6:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    I think the best way of using the Beo5 is to use it in a designated room - the most used one as one is likely to need the functions there. I think the problem is with multiple room set ups - particularly the really complicated ones - and I am going to simplify mine a bit. Make it three zone and see how things go. Mine is actually working very well but I am still tinkering!!
  • 11-28-2007 6:20 PM In reply to

    • Jandyt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    Oh dear. This is so sad to read.
    You are the first I have heard of who has returned his Beo5 for a refund..
    I hope this isn't the first of many.
    Come on B&O, give us the software, Please

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 11-28-2007 6:24 PM In reply to

    • Ian
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    WE don't 'need' the software do we?Wink


  • 11-28-2007 7:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    Hello Peter,

    I have a three room setup, but it didn't work out.

    I believe that most of us B&O users are esthetes, who want their Beo5 perfectly configured. Without the configuration software, I'll have to ask my dealer, whenever I want to change a channel icon. This is ridiculous. Besides that, B&O dealers (at least mine) seem to be nerved by Beo5 customers and their demands. 

    After recent experiences with my dealer, I'll definitely replace him. A customer friendly Beo5 service will  be essential for my next choice.



  • 11-28-2007 7:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Serious configuration problems with Beo 5

    My dealer told me that Struer was informed about this issue. Seems that the dealer wasn't able to get a solution from B&O or he himself was incapable. I think my dealer was to embarrassed to tell me, so he preferred to offer me payback.
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