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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-07-2007 3:03 PM by Frank Rizzo. 1 replies.
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  • 10-05-2007 4:47 PM

    MasterLink over Cat 5?

    I want to use a beoport with my mac and hook it up to my beocenter 2 to get to my itunes. I have 2 runs of cat 5 from the computer room to the av room where the beocenter 2 is located. I was wondering if i could used the cat 5 cable as a masterlink cable and then use some junction boxes instead or trying to fish a new masterlink cable  

  • 10-07-2007 3:03 PM In reply to

    Re: MasterLink over Cat 5?

    Hi Cowtwn, Take a look in the main forum...and search  CAT6 STP...

     I'm doing this now linking 4 rooms...but you have to use CAT 6 STP (shielded swisted pair)'s a thicker cable with the extra shielding....You need Shielded jacks also....(RJ45's)...So you put all that in your walls...(ie..from behind your stereo to your link room...and cable it Shielded Jack to Shielded Jack.....videos are on You Tube on this...

    Then you take say a 10 foot Masterlink and cut it in strip the ends...get the Male RJ45 SHIELDED plug....and put it on the end....if you've no experience get a computer guy...its not really that hard...i did 6 myself in an afternoon...and i'm no super computer geek... Below is the recommended diagram by Marcus on the other forum....Marcus has been a great help in this and has done this in his home..


    Here is the color coding I used (please check if the factory made homelink cables have the same color/pin coding!!!!):

    ML                Cat7         pin
    w/or              w/or          1
    or                 or             2
    w/gn             w/gn         3
    bl                 bl             4
    pi                 w/bl          5
    gn                gn            6
    w/rd             w/bn         7
    rd                bn            8


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