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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-04-2007 1:02 PM by banger2004. 4 replies.
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  • 12-03-2007 2:11 PM

    • banger2004
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    • Clanfield Hampshire
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    How do you prgram a button to perform a macro?


    I've got the Beo 5 working a treat by programming it myelf. Quite why B&O don't want customers to have this is somewhat confusing. I am aware that there are many people out there who do not want the hassle of programming it but there are mahy that do. I'm up to configuration 12 now, which would have mean't a visit to the dealer that many times to get it working perfectly!

    My only problem is that I want a button which I will call 'Cinema' that will turn the lights to level 4, force Speaker mode 5 and in due course turn the TV to one of two favourite viewing positions.

    My problem is that I can't seem to get all the commands to work in sequence. For example, I can get the lights to turn down, but then if I add Sound, and 5 to the IR command string, then this does not work!

    Any ideas?


  • 12-03-2007 5:52 PM In reply to

    • YannChris
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    Re: How do you prgram a button to perform a macro?

    Hi Paul,

    That's exactly the macro I plan to write one of these days.

    Maybe the "sound 5" commands are not sent as TV commands?


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  • 12-03-2007 6:06 PM In reply to

    Re: How do you prgram a button to perform a macro?

    Have you tried putting a delay in the chain?
  • 12-04-2007 1:00 PM In reply to

    • banger2004
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    Re: How do you prgram a button to perform a macro?

    Hi, Yep, I've tried putting a 250 milliscecond delay in the code but no luck!

    I've tried firstly putting in a light command to lower the light level to setting five, then a 250ms delay and then two furtehr IR codes, the first for speaker and then for five.

    On one occasion it did nothing, so I tried re-prgramming it via the radio commands as opposed to the light command and it either changed channel or changed the DVD chapter!

    Any ideas?


  • 12-04-2007 1:02 PM In reply to

    • banger2004
    • Not Ranked
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    Re: How do you prgram a button to perform a macro?

    Hi Yann!

    I have tried the commands as both light and radio commands, I have yet to try them as TV commands but I can't see that this will have any effect as speaker five is common to both????

    I then thought about copying the command directly from the sound field mode 5 and pasting it where I wanted it and re-naming it, but again no luck!

    I hope that this thread prompts moew response as it may sort both our problems!


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