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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-03-2011 10:16 PM by Søren Mexico. 16 replies.
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  • 02-16-2011 3:22 AM

    Beoworld Asia Poll

    It has been suggested that there should be a forum for Asia as some members feel there is an unmet need as this area has a slightly difference product mix and regional variations. This poll is to ascertain the strength of feeling and to see if such a forum could be viable.

    The forum would be in English unless there are strong views regarding this. I would suggest that votes should really be cast by those this would affect so we can see how many members would be interested in this. there will need to be a reasonable number to make this viable!

    Would you use a separate BeoWorld forum for Asia should one be set up? It would be an English language forum and would plan to cover issues specific to the Asian area.

    • Yes - I think it would be useful (10.7%)
    • I would prefer one in my own language. (0%)
    • No, I prefer to use the General Forum. (89.3%)
    • Total Votes: 28
    • Voting Ended: 03/02/2011
  • 02-16-2011 11:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    Clearly should have made this sticky! I am not going to as it wipes the results!!!

  • 02-16-2011 10:39 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    Voting Ends: 3/2/2011

    It's over before it began???

    Also, wouldn't it be better if it was 'Austral-asia'?

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 02-16-2011 11:51 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll


    Voting Ends: 3/2/2011

    It's over before it began???

    That would be 2nd of March. There's still time.

    Beoworld's twenty-eighth ninth prize winner and fifty-first second prize winner. Best £30 I've ever spent!

  • 02-16-2011 11:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll



    Voting Ends: 3/2/2011

    It's over before it began???

    That would be 2nd of March. There's still time.


    LOL only in America!?! It reads as the 3rd of February!!

    i was kidding btw

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 02-17-2011 1:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    American software! It took me back a bit when I entered it!

  • 02-17-2011 4:32 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll


    I made it sticky as a kind gesture.. and wiped the results  Surprise

    Only 12 voters though, so if we could 'start again' i'm sure it'd bring many more votes.

    Peter.. another Poll, but this time sticky perhaps..  That way we'd get better exposure and a fairer result?



    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 02-17-2011 4:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    I have redone it. I think these are roughly the same questions in the same order! If not, I'll just start again!

  • 02-17-2011 5:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    9 LEE:


    I made it sticky as a kind gesture.. and wiped the results  Surprise

    Only 12 voters though, so if we could 'start again' i'm sure it'd bring many more votes.

    Peter.. another Poll, but this time sticky perhaps..  That way we'd get better exposure and a fairer result?



    You didn't see what the Doctor wrote???


    'Clearly should have made this sticky! I am not going to as it wipes the results!!!'

    Stick out tongueLaughing

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 02-17-2011 5:07 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 02-26-2011 7:30 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    Possibly not as huge a demand for an Asia Forum as anticipated.  

    Well - we presented the idea to the membership of BeoWorld - all 15,000, with 28 voting.. mainly against. Erm

    I'll delete this thread next week.



    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 02-27-2011 9:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    well, can't say I didn't try~ :) 


    if you don't mind, I'll bug you about this again same time next year!  Hopefully, we can garner more support then.  :)

    BS1 x 2, BS 3, BS4, BS2000 x 3, BS2300, BS4000, BS9000, BL4, BL 4000 x 2, BL8000 x 2, BL2500 x 2, BL2000, Beocom 2, Beocom 6000 x 4, Beocom 1401 x 4, Beocom 1600 x 2, Beocom 2500 x 4, Beotalk 1200, A9 Keyring, Beo4 x 8, Beotime, Bottle Opener

    2011 Wish List: BL3500, BL6000, BL5, BL9, active link, BS5, Beo5

  • 02-27-2011 9:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll


    well, can't say I didn't try~ :) 


    if you don't mind, I'll bug you about this again same time next year!  Hopefully, we can garner more support then.  :)


    I'm tipping that the level of interest won't increase much in 12 months time.. I certainly won't bother voting again!!

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 03-01-2011 10:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll



    well, can't say I didn't try~ :) 


    if you don't mind, I'll bug you about this again same time next year!  Hopefully, we can garner more support then.  :)



    I'm tipping that the level of interest won't increase much in 12 months time.. I certainly won't bother voting again!!

    maybe you're right that the interest in an Asian regional forum may not increase significantly over the next 12 months but the increase in B&O awareness and interest in general has increased enormously across Asia over the past decade and will likely continue to grow over the next year.  According to a recent article on B&O, B&O sales in major markets in Europe and America are down significantly while Southeast Asian sales are growing at a fast pace.  This coupled with the fact that the new CEO has stated that he will place efforts on growing markets in Asia means inevitably there will be more users (or at least stores) (and potential forum participants) across the region.  Also, local B&O forums are sprouting everywhere and I am aware of websites catering to users in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan many of which frequent beoworld... and I'm sure there are more.  If Beoworld wants to maintain its status as the premier site (which it has done well at so far) it should consider catering to the larger growing audiences and figure out how to attract and maintain this broader base of users.  Forums that cater towards high-end product users such as one of my favorite sites (as well as numerous luxury watch, clothing, and automobile forums) have already made this move and have Asian or even sub-Asian forums where users can discuss Asian specific topics.  Just some food for thought and hope you don't consider it preaching.  

    BS1 x 2, BS 3, BS4, BS2000 x 3, BS2300, BS4000, BS9000, BL4, BL 4000 x 2, BL8000 x 2, BL2500 x 2, BL2000, Beocom 2, Beocom 6000 x 4, Beocom 1401 x 4, Beocom 1600 x 2, Beocom 2500 x 4, Beotalk 1200, A9 Keyring, Beo4 x 8, Beotime, Bottle Opener

    2011 Wish List: BL3500, BL6000, BL5, BL9, active link, BS5, Beo5

  • 03-02-2011 1:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    I agree with your general thrust - I am just not sure that a dedicated Asia Forum is the correct route. I would suggest that the General Forum will have a lot more Asian traffic and that the centre of gravity of the whole site may well move East. However I see this as a gradual change and I am personally against another forum as I think that the likely small traffic volume may well stifle growth rather than encourage it. I would suggest that possibly amalgamating a successful Asian B&O site under the Beoworld umbrella might be a solution in the medium term.

  • 03-02-2011 4:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    If Beoworld wants to maintain its status as the premier site (which it has done well at so far) it should consider catering to the larger growing audiences and figure out how to attract and maintain this broader base of users.  Forums that cater towards high-end product users such as one of my favorite sites (as well as numerous luxury watch, clothing, and automobile forums) have already made this move and have Asian or even sub-Asian forums where users can discuss Asian specific topics.

    Fair point of view, but along the lines of my previous post, I have to ask what's keeping these folks from posting now? In my experience, new directions of discussion never appear simply by allocating a slot for them. They need to pre-exist in some form.

    We've had a few Japan specific topics, some people have needed help with Far Eastern electrics and environmental conditions (not unlike anywhere else in the tropic), and quite a few topics specific to Australia, which is just another locale in most cases. All of these have managed in the subforums we have now as far as I can see.

    In my view the only real motivation for a separate subforum at this point would be to have it in some other language than English... but again, which one? And I'm not sure if it's even technically possible, given that all prospective languages have some specific character set requirements.


  • 03-03-2011 10:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoworld Asia Poll

    I've been travelling around quiet a bit in far east, alone in China they have 3 main langauges and all written in, for most of us, not understandable characters, ad to this Thai, Corean, Vietnamese, and more, the main feature of this forum is English and most of the experts and amateurs like me, seek and give answers in that langauge, I cant imagine that there is a whole lot of us able to read and answer in Canton Chineese, and as I know the Chineese, they wont take a good advise without checking with one of their own "experts".Erm

    So IMO a Asian forum is not going to be actual before 2030 if ever.

    Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

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