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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-30-2010 7:32 AM by joeyboygolf. 12 replies.
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  • 09-28-2010 6:48 AM

    my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    Hi, can anyone out there help with the problem on my beocentre 9500 - it has been to the b. & o. repair shop here in marbella, spain, because the sliding lid to the c.d. section is sticking and not closing properly - it only manages to get about a quarter of the way across and stops sliding.  The shop says it needs a new part, which they cannot get as the machine is so old!  Am wondering what part might be needed, or whether in fact it does need a new part at all,  or whether some sort of clean and lubrication might do the job, which I could try tackling myself.  If I should clean it, then what fluid/lubricant should I use?  Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks,  Silverstone

  • 09-28-2010 9:00 AM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    Welcome to BeoWorld!

    This is not unusual and honestly, I doubt it is a part as well... short of a stretched belt slipping (each door has one) -but that slipping is likely caused by dirty tracks anyway!

    I have been through this w/ my BC9300 and it was a combination of checking that the guide tabs are not skewed and that the tracks are clean and lubed -you can use silicone spray on a QTIP (don't spray directly) or some vaseline.

    You can read some more HERE.

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 09-28-2010 4:10 PM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    I dont recommend vaseline as the dirt and dust will stick to it and cause problems in future.

    Regards Graham

  • 09-28-2010 4:21 PM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    Good observation! Embarrassed

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 09-28-2010 6:36 PM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    It can be repaired. It's probably a question of adjusting the belts of the mechanism. It's a shame, that repair shops today don't want to repair things-they just want to replace some modules, if possible. Otherwise the reply is: "It's too old"...  Super Angry

    If You upgrade your Beowold membership, You can get a service manual that shows how to repair the sliding lids.


  • 09-29-2010 5:24 AM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!


    It can be repaired. It's probably a question of adjusting the belts of the mechanism. It's a shame, that repair shops today don't want to repair things-they just want to replace some modules, if possible. Otherwise the reply is: "It's too old"...  Super Angry

    If You upgrade your Beowold membership, You can get a service manual that shows how to repair the sliding lids.


    There are no belts that can be adjusted and the service manual does not show how to repair the sliding doors!!

    Regards Graham

  • 09-29-2010 5:01 PM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!


    There are no belts that can be adjusted and the service manual does not show how to repair the sliding doors!!

    Well -how do you know..? The service manual DO actually show how to repair the sliding doors!!!

    OK -there's no belts...It's called a Cord drive. In the service manual called Part 5 (vol3b) on Beoworld, there is a detailed description (Title 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5) of the sliding doors mechanism. How to open the doors manually with a screwdriver inserted in holes in the front. How to replace the doors, and how to adjust/replace the the cords. Read and learn...

  • 09-29-2010 7:28 PM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!



    There are no belts that can be adjusted and the service manual does not show how to repair the sliding doors!!


    Well -how do you know..? The service manual DO actually show how to repair the sliding doors!!!

    OK -there's no belts...It's called a Cord drive. In the service manual called Part 5 (vol3b) on Beoworld, there is a detailed description (Title 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5) of the sliding doors mechanism. How to open the doors manually with a screwdriver inserted in holes in the front. How to replace the doors, and how to adjust/replace the the cords. Read and learn...

    Having worked on and refurbished somewhere in excess of 100 Beocenter 9000, 8500, 9300 and 9500's over the past 7 years does make me somewhat qualified to make comments.

    You cannot "adjust" the chords or the belts, in fact only a fool would deliberately disturb the chords. If a chord should become dislodged accidentally, it is a totally balls acheing job to put it back on and you may well consume a six pack of beer and smoke 20 figs in the process!

    Replacing a chord with a new one..........forget it. If you've never smoked, you might just start during this job!!

    The service manual is about as much help as a chocolate fireguard and I have the original manuals for 9000, 9300 and 9500. They all have just about the same information which has been cut and pasted from the 9000 issue. None of them give information on how to "adjust" anything and the section on replacing the doors is of no help whatsoever.

    It is obvious that the guy that wrote this particular section of these manuals, has never had to take one apart or indeed, put it back together and make it work!

    Regards Graham

  • 09-30-2010 1:59 AM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    Afraid I agree with Graham - the service manual is not that helpful - indeed most are not. They do give a breakdown of parts though which can be helpful. Maybe Graham could give a step bt step account of the procedure though which would be most helpful. Written so an idiot can manage (I may need this in the future!) Big Smile

  • 09-30-2010 4:32 AM In reply to

    • Stonk
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    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    The service manual is only good to understand how to open the unit up correctly. It won't warn you that the glass panels might fall out due to aged glue and it won't show you how to repair the sliding door mechs. It will show you the correct way the cords should be assembled but having had to restring both doors I can confirm that the drawings within the service manual are fairly useless.

    However, the OP's door just sticks so unless someone else has messed them up I should imagine the strings are not the issue but more likely

    • dirt and fluff on the little pulley wheels
    • not enough friction where the string winds around the metal bar 
    • A sloppy rubber belt from the motor
    • It might be a case of just bad lubrication/dirt buildup in the door runners and CD clamp mech
    • Unusual but the string might have popped off a pulley and be going around the post (of the pulley) instead
    • something dislodged within the door catches or CD clamp mech

    If the door moves all the way wth a little assitance when operated it's bound to be one of the top four. Be very careful not to dislodge the strings. Either way you have to open the unit up and understand how it all works and for that I'd recommend having a look in the service manual.





    If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

  • 09-30-2010 4:52 AM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!

    The OP had asked me a question on eBay before joining BeoWorld. I gave him the benefit of my experience in my answer to his question.

    Here is my answer.

    Dear 02041943,

    Recommend that you open the drawer and unplug from the mains with the drawer open.
    Clean the door tracks with a cotton wool bud romoving all accumulated dust.
    Spray silicone lubricant into the cap of the can until you have a small quantity of the liquid spray in the cap.
    Dip a cotton wool bud into the fluid and apply sparingly to the tracks.
    Plug in and try to close the drawer.
    Open and close several times.
    On no account spray lubricant directly into the Beocenter as this will simply cover everything with silicone and everything in the vacinity will become slippery!!

    If you decide to replace it I might suggest that you consider the later Beocenter 9300 model which will be more likely still serviceable by the local engineers in the unlikely event that a fault occurs in the future.
    I do have two 9300 models available on eBay which you will find by clicking on "see other items" while viewing my 9500
    Good Luck

    - beo4life

    His 9500 was in the B&O service agents in Spain and it was they who told him that obsolete parts were required. He told them to clean and lubricate prior to putting it back together as per my instructions.

    Surprise, surprise it worked perfectly and he now has it home!!

    You can't beat a bit of experience.

    Regards Graham

  • 09-30-2010 5:14 AM In reply to

    • Stonk
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!


    You're right Graham, you certainly can't beat experience and I'd trust your knowledge on these machines more than anyone. I've even learnt that you need to open & close the CD door to reset the track counter from youBig Smile

    However, anyone calling themselves a service agent should possess some common sense and interest in repairing things surely! Why even accept a unit in if you have no interest in repairing it!!


    If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

  • 09-30-2010 7:32 AM In reply to

    Re: my b & o 9500 has a problem!



    I've even learnt that you need to open & close the CD door to reset the track counter from youBig Smile

    Nobody knows everything Stonk but what I do know, is in the main, self taught. Every time I am testing a CD mech outside the box I do have a chuckle about updating the track counter!Laughing

    Regards Graham

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