Ladies & Gentlemen,
as the junior member of the moderating team I've been assigned to
announce that Beoworld has just reached 14,000 registered members!
Although I haven't been here from the start, I can still remember how half of that was already quite an achievement, just two years ago!
We do our best to keep the product information on the site as wide
and useful as possible - several scanners have probably been worn out in
that tedious task - and Beoworld possibly now has the most complete
collection of B&O manuals anywhere, from real vintage jewels to the
latest products.
Still, I'm sure we all appreciate that the main attraction is
probably the forum. I myself am, and have been, a member of a number of
various enthusiasts' sites on the web, and I can honestly repeat what
has been said so many times: I don't know of a single one as good as
Even though the moderating team and technical administration do our
best to pursue that goal, the forum wouldn't get anywhere without the
great membership we have. So many people put so much effort and
knowledge into helping others that we probably beat many commercial
helpdesks in efficiency & accuracy - while keeping it fun as well.
Here's to all of you - and looking forward to the next milestone!