Well, it depends... there are different levels of "working". If the Beomaster, although "working", needs service as so many of eBay finds end up needing, ....
Indeed. The seller claims that it's in excellent working condition, and MCP communicates with it. He's got 100% approval rating. I think its tuner is actually better than the vaunted BM 8000.
tournedos: may have to invest another $150 for that unless you can do it yourself.
Only $150! I can live with that. I found out all these vintage receivers have capacitor issues, so if the caps need to be replaced, I'll just consider it an opportunity to make it better than NOS.
tournedos: The MCP usually works or it doesn't, but either way, it isn't worth much.
I've seen MCP fetching pretty steep price, especially when it's working.
tournedos: In the end it is an old receiver with no fixed value. Everything depends on the condition, where it is located....
Pretty close to where I live, $168 includes the shipping as well.
tournedos: .... and whether somebody else happens to want one at the same time.
It just got listed, so I was the only one. I triggered it. I am the owner now.
tournedos: Just ask yourself how much it would be worth to you...
Better tuner, better integration, better remote than BM 8000, 55wpc, I think it's definitely worth it. This is also a way for me to test the sound quality of BM receiver, for not much money.
Even if I hated the sound, not much loss for me. BM 5000 is more compact and stackable. I live in an one bedroom apartment, so perhaps too powerful amps may not be ideal for me. This is also a good way to test the ideal upper range amp for my current situation and extrapolate for future when I move to bigger room.
PS. You wouldn't believe how many "audiophiles" despise BM, I wonder how many of them actually listend to it, especially one up to specs.