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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-27-2009 3:37 PM by pf85. 16 replies.
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  • 11-08-2009 7:12 AM

    Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Dear all,

    I have had losts of problems with my BS5/BM system (titles disappearing, connection to PC disconnected, etc.) and it was in service 2 times for a total of 7 (!) weeks. The response was always that the system is OK, just that some CDs need to be transfereed with Media Player vs. Boeplayer. And actually, last time the system worked correctly and then the same problems started again.

    Then last week, I was playing a title and then heard some peeping and a blue screen (the windows blue screen you see when the sytem crashes) appreared on BS5. I took the system off electricity and then started it again several times, but now it is completely dead (only the red energy indicator of BS5 is on, but never blinking when restarting the sytem).

    Anybody has experienced something like this? I have concluded that there is a serious hardware or software defect that B&O does not seem to be able to detect.

    Tomorrow the B&O service will be coming again and I hope I get a brand new replacement system ... really don't know what to do now.



  • 11-12-2009 11:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Hi i got the same problem yesterday, but by cutting off the electricity some time got me up running again. it happend some times but eventually i got in the service menu and made recovery, which have help me so far !!! i called B & O this afternoon, but they would'nt speak with me about the problem they just told me to speak to the shop where i bought it. thats the worst customer service i'd ever experienced. i told them that i have a beosound 5 with beolab 5, and that i have problems with blue screen of death! i made a .log file from the system i could offer to send to their tecnicians, so they had the possiblity to check the system, but they only told me call, your local shop, and ask the local shop to call us. WHAT !!!!

    I honestly think this is kidding with people, who bought an overpriced product from them !!

  • 11-12-2009 12:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    I concur that what you experienced is unacceptable customer service. I, too, have encountered this recent attitude from "Beo(doesn't)Care" referring me back to the dealer. My dealer is fantastic, but I don't expect the dealer to have the level of technical knowledge that I would expect from BeoCare. Was your experience in the U.S.?

  • 11-12-2009 3:15 PM In reply to

    • StUrrock
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Hi guys

    Sorry you have had bad experiences.

    Are your models early examples? As there were a few that had faulty motherboards, otherwise apart from the odd bad cable we have found them fine and very reliable.

  • 11-12-2009 4:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??


    my model is from May and I just got confirmation that the motherboard is defect. They told me that they will replace the motherboard and then I really hope that the issues are solved.

    But I agree: the dealer is very good, but B&O itself is difficult.


  • 11-18-2009 3:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Well, i did an recovery, and i luckily did'nt have the problem so far, after that!!

    So i cross my fingers, and see what will happend in the nearby future.. 


    But i had to find out my self, how i had to do a recovery, because B & O refused to help me in any way. they just said: go to your dealer!!! Why do they bother to have a customer support, when they don't want to support ?? i even saved a debug-information from the beosound 5 and offered B&O customer support to send this file to them, so they could check if something was wrong with the machine! BUT NO again. they just said: Sorry we can help you!! go to your dealer ! I told them that i just bought a beosound 5 + a set of beolab 5, which cost me a great deal, and after 2 months of use, it won't work anymore, how can you, B&O, *** on your customers by saying, we won't help you in any way, just go to the store where you bought it.

    My luck was that im fairly convenient with a pc, and did find a way to enter service menu, so i could make a recovery !

    But why could'nt B&O not even help me with that ??


    I hope i'll not have more problems this year, but i fear what it cost or what will happend when the harddrive breaks down, with this kind of service??





  • 11-21-2009 7:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Well today it died !!! Same symptoms as yours!! black screen, and the red dot is not blinking, only lit up.


    Can't start it up.. So i have to send it in..


    That's remember me about a year ago, i had a failure with a dell notebook which cost around 700€, they just send a technician to my house and fix the problem in no time!

    Here i buy a complete hifi system to around 25000€, and customer service just say sorry, nothing we can do about it. Contact your dealer so he can contact us, so you can try to send it in for service !!

    Well i bite it. and will send it in on monday !!

  • 11-23-2009 4:41 PM In reply to

    • mite
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Hej gronkjaer,
    jeg skriver til dig på dansk da det er noget nemmere end engelsk.

    Jeg tror problemet med din BM5 er dit motherboard. Jeg har selv haft samme problem, faktisk med 2 BM5. Den første blev skiftet til en ny model efter kort tid. Efter et stykke tid fik jeg problemer med den nye BM5 igen. Problemet er med garanti dine printbaner tæt på RAM soklen. De første produktioner som B&O lavede blev RAM-blokkene sat i således, at de blev presset på midten af RAM blokken, hvilket giver et utrolig stort press på selve printbanerne og det kan printbanerne ikke tåle. RAM skal sættes i soklen således, at de bliver presset ved hver ende, så opstår der nemlig ikke problemer.

    Jeg snakkede både med min forhandler og BEOcare. Min forhandler har den bedste service jeg har oplevet ved en HI-Fi forretning. BEOcare har jeg haft mange uheldige samtaler med. De ved ikke rigtig noget, meget ærgeligt at B&O ikke har kompetente supportere.

    Min forhandler sendte en tekniker ned til min adresse og han havde nyt bundkort og nye ram med. Det var ham som fortalte mig omkring problemet med printbanerne. Nu har der ikke været et eneste problem med BM5 siden...den virker hver gang.

    Håber du får din BM5 til at virke igen efter en reparation.


  • 11-24-2009 1:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Tusind tak for svaret !!

    Jeg havde dog på fornemmelsen at det var bundkortet som var gået, men min forhandler lader til at være lidt på samme måde som beo care. Den skal sendes ind siger ha, og siger så samtidig til mig at det kommer til at tage rigtig lang tid før jeg får den igen, da de ingen reserve dele har til den på nuværende tidspunkt :-(
    Den har jeg dog lidt svært ved at acceptere, men hvad skal man gøre ?

  • 11-24-2009 1:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Tusind tak for svaret !!

    Jeg havde dog på fornemmelsen at det var bundkortet som var gået, men min forhandler lader til at være lidt på samme måde som beo care. Den skal sendes ind siger ha, og siger så samtidig til mig at det kommer til at tage rigtig lang tid før jeg får den igen, da de ingen reserve dele har til den på nuværende tidspunkt :-(
    Den har jeg dog lidt svært ved at acceptere, men hvad skal man gøre ?

  • 11-24-2009 4:05 PM In reply to

    • mite
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Hej gronkjaer,
    det var jo et ærgeligt svar at få fra sin forhandler. For hvad er lang tid - er det flere uger? Da min forhandler fortalte mig at der kom en tekniker ned til mig, der gik der en 3 uger, men det var også fordi, at der var dele i restordre.
    Vi kan jo hurtigt blive enige om, at det bare ikke er godt nok, men det er da utroligt, at de ikke har reservedele på lager, men det er vel fordi, at der er så mange der har problemer med BM5! Man skulle vist have vist folkene i produktionen hvordan man sætter RAM i en sokkel.

    Håber du får den hurtigt tilbage så du kan nyde din musik igen.


  • 11-25-2009 1:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Tjah, nu er skidtet sendt ind! Så må vi se hvordan det går ? reservedelene er i restordre, så jeg er også stillet i udsigt at det nok tager en 3 uger, oveni er julen jo lige om hjørnet, så der kommer jo nok reelt til at gå noget længere tid :-(

    Men det er et fedt musik anlæg når det virker! Bare ærgeligt/ringe at det ikke afspiller FLAC ? Har du succes med det Mite ?

  • 11-25-2009 1:25 PM In reply to

    • pf85
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    ...can I ask my fellow beoworlder to either continue their discussion in the Scandinavian forum or keep it in English on the BS5 forum. Thanks...and don't take it as a vote of non confidence into your lovely language.

  • 11-26-2009 2:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Sorry mate, of course, you're right. If we continue?, we'll continue in english ! 

  • 11-26-2009 1:55 PM In reply to

    • pf85
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    ... thanks. As I have BS5 as well, thought I might miss something.

    hope you can resolve your issues.

    rgds PF85 / Peter

  • 11-27-2009 2:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    Well peter, we was just discussing that BM5 had issues with the motherboard and the ram modules. the issues was that with the old motherboard you had to press down the RAM modules in the middle of the RAM module and not as normal, just a clip in each side. This pressure right down in the middle of the RAM module could cause a crack or tear in the print circuit which could in the end lead to a malfunction. This was a common issue on the first BM5 they(B&O) send out to their customers. And unfortunately i bought one of those machines. So now its getting repaired in Skive, one of B&O repair service centrals, but they don't have the parts available, they are out of stock. So i have to wait, and now i'm getting nervous that i don't get it before Christmas!  

  • 11-27-2009 3:37 PM In reply to

    • pf85
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    Re: Blue Screen on BS5/BM??

    thanks Gronkjaer for clarifying.

    I had to replace the M/B as well on my BS5... in my case the dealer got a so called repair kit... took about 2 weeks and then was able to repair overnight. Hope you get yours back before Christmas.



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