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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-14-2009 2:30 PM by vikinger. 5 replies.
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  • 10-13-2009 7:17 PM

    Think your way to a High Def experience

    Proof that you can make yourself believe SD to be HD [here]

    THis must be another reason that  recent  B&O SD televisions regularly get mistaken for HD.

    Also explains why many think HD to be better at viewing distances where you couldn't tell the difference in any case!


    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

  • 10-14-2009 2:17 AM In reply to

    • SWISS_2
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    Re: Think your way to a High Def experience

    Perhaps thats only true in Holland . . .

  • 10-14-2009 3:01 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Think your way to a High Def experience

    and there lies a problem with peoples opinions - at least with audio you can attempt a blind test - it's hard to remove any preconceptions when you can identify the units under test!

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 10-14-2009 3:07 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Think your way to a High Def experience

    A lot of these SD v HD discussions are from people trying to convince themselves they don't *need* to move to a HD television. Perhaps if you have an Avant - and you do not want a larger screen - then it's a valid standpoint. However, I have a BV7-40 and ideally would like a 46". SD already looks fairly poor on the 40" and will be even worse on a 46". Gawd knows how it will look on the forthcoming BV7-55.

    HD does give a far better picture on a large LCD screen (sharper, stronger colours etc). Plus, the audio is better, too, on Blu-ray.

  • 10-14-2009 3:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Think your way to a High Def experience


    A lot of these SD v HD discussions are from people trying to convince themselves they don't *need* to move to a HD television. Perhaps if you have an Avant - and you do not want a larger screen - then it's a valid standpoint. However, I have a BV7-40 and ideally would like a 46". SD already looks fairly poor on the 40" and will be even worse on a 46". Gawd knows how it will look on the forthcoming BV7-55.

    HD does give a far better picture on a large LCD screen (sharper, stronger colours etc). Plus, the audio is better, too, on Blu-ray.

    Agree! But I don't think this research was done on that basis. You certainly get the benefit of HD with large screens at appropriate viewing distances, but if you typically sit, say, 3-4m or more from the screen, a Standard Def BV5 image will look exactly the same as similar size HD model.

    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

  • 10-14-2009 2:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Think your way to a High Def experience

    Abstract of original report:


    In this article, an experiment was conducted to measure the effect of framing a high definition television (HDTV) clip. One group of participants was told they were watching a brand new HDTV clip, while the other group was told they were watching a digital DVD clip. Both groups were in fact watching the same (low) quality DVD clip. After watching this clip, the beliefs of the participants and their viewing experiences were measured via a questionnaire. The people framed to watch the HDTV clip were found to have a significantly more positive viewing experience. This shows that participants were unable to discriminate properly between digital and high definition signals but were influenced by the frame set for them. This effect has been shown in many different situations, and has now been established when watching HD-quality television as well. The results still indicate that the HDTV-frame is already associated with a high-quality viewing experience, which may influence the selling strategy and/or speed in the adoption of this technology. In the following discussion we will pay attention to the different ways in which HDTV can be framed in the media.

    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

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