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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-10-2009 3:55 AM by Paean. 3 replies.
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  • 07-08-2009 8:42 AM

    • Paean
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    • Joined on 07-08-2009
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    Replacing a BM6500 with a BM7000 - question

    Gentlemen,  Please may I request some words of wisdom. I've had a B&O 6500 system ( Tuner/amp, CD, Tape, Phono ) since they came onto the market. In a moment of madness I decided to replace the Tuner/amp with a 7000 model, for no other reason than it was not quite so old and had some minor improvements. I hoped that this would be a simple unplug, replace exercise but this was not to be. I now find that the units do not communicate with each other as they should. I can use the remote ( 5000 ) with the tuner but nothing else. The tape works independently but not through the remote and does not record from the tuner. The CD does not work period, requesting a CD which it has. The whole system has become a shambles and was working perfectly well before. ( Why have I done this ? )

    I feel this is a setup problem rather than a hardware failure, but having trawled the forum I have not found an obvious solution. Would someone please point me to a reference as to how to correct the problem or suggest a remedy. ( I know, leave well alone ! )

    Many thanks


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  • 07-09-2009 11:16 PM In reply to

    • mediabobny
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    Re: Replacing a BM6500 with a BM7000 - question

    It should have been a simple swap, with everything working fine afterwards.   Check your connections again.   Do you have a Master Control Panel you could try instead of a Beolink 5000 remote?   You say you can use the remote with the tuner but nothing else.   I hope you realize that this is all the remote is supposed to control.  It is the receiver that in turn controls the other components via the datalink connections.   

  • 07-10-2009 3:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Replacing a BM6500 with a BM7000 - question

    Sounds very odd indeed! It really should be a straight swap. The peri[pheral units will work with any Datalink receiver from the Beomaster 8000 onwards. The 6500 is essentially identical to the 7000 but lacks the RDS board. If all you have done is unplug one unit and pl;ug in a new one, I would suspect the 7000 has a fault. The fact it works itself by remote suggests it is not an option problem. If you has a Beolink 7000 you would need to reset the two way.

  • 07-10-2009 3:55 AM In reply to

    • Paean
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    Re: Replacing a BM6500 with a BM7000 - question

    Thank you for replying to my post. I have been able to resolve the problem and as you say it was a connection issue. Pins 1 and 7 in the data cable between the tape and receiver were not making good contact. The CD player was not reading CDs due to dust on the laser lens and when cleaned operated normally. I used the original MCP 6500 to setup the BM7000 and then reverted back to the 5000 for convenience of use.

    It is indeed a simple exercise to swap the receivers but a couple of unrelated problems conspired to make life difficult. All is now well - thank you for your time.


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