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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-16-2009 4:17 PM by Jefbro. 4 replies.
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  • 05-08-2009 1:58 PM

    • DSJR
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    • Joined on 11-01-2008
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    Beomaster slider parts availability?

    I've been lucky enough to come by a Beomaster 3000-2 for not much money (well under £30 including P&P) but there are parts of some of the sliders missing.

    The volume and tuning slider are fully intact and I have the lower trim and perspex "indicator" for one of the other sliders. The other two lower aluminium trims are missing, along with the treble, bass and balance trims and the two remaining perspex  "indicators."

    Before I even think of a capacitor kit, is there any chance at all that I may be able to get these trim parts? The switches all seem to work and self-cancel where necessary and the basic "formers" for the sliders are there and appear to function mechanically (I haven't dared to power it up just yet..

    Can anyone here help me with these bits? The rest of the unit is in very reasonable condition and I still feel it would be a shame to scrap it, as I doubt B&O themselves carry spares for these today (I doubt their modern UK dealers would want to know either, as they would wish to sell a new item, but I don't know what happened to the "second-life" items they took back over the decades). 

    Thanks for any assistance anyone could offer..

  • 05-08-2009 2:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster slider parts availability?

    tough one, and it is remarkable how many people request these.

    thanks to the generosity of a fellow beoworlder, i obtained my missing pieces right here!

    it seems like we need to figure out a simple way/source of re-manufacturing these...

    there are some talented people on here!

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 05-08-2009 3:07 PM In reply to

    • DSJR
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    • Suffolk
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    Re: Beomaster slider parts availability?

    I wonder if B&O themselves could consider it, as the best of these items are now collector's pieces.

    Trouble is, I suspect the tooling was disposed of decades ago and it would cost far too much to re-make these, bearing in mind the few hundred of each that would be made (look at the Sounsmith cartridges. At least as good as the originals, but virtually hand made with the costs that this entails).

  • 05-08-2009 3:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster slider parts availability?

    and then take into consideration that they physically changed on the later models... 4000/4400/bc3500 etc... and that the guage turned to green on the black models...

    i suppose this would be a bitsa-bitsa job!

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 06-16-2009 4:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster slider parts availability?

    I bought a 3000-2 not so long ago and I am missing the complete volume and tuning slider assembly's! Otherwise the unit is in good working order and features a white casing, matching my white Beogram 1200, so I dont want to break it for parts. Perhaps we could buy a non functioning, but complete 3000 between us and pull off the bits we want?  Another Jeff!

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