I can't recall the system of my first encounter ... but I recall the soldier and the Danish flag in the window of the B&O shop on a street corner in Johannesburg late 1966 or early 1967.
At that time my schoolfriend's dad had a Beolab 5000 but we were not allowed to play it - I just wish I had steered my own dad to a B&O (instead we ended up with a Sansui 1000/A).
My first purchase was http://www.beocentral.com/products/bg1500 which is Beogram 1000 with an integrated Beomaster 900 ... almost made from the components in the video ... and it still sits on a shelf by my desk ... it just doesn't work a anymore *sigh*
However the WOW factor from the Sixties that still stays with me is of an ELAC Miracord 50H at Earls Court ('65) automatically moving its arm to engage the LP just before an irate salesman practically gave me a clip around my ear for daring to touch his precious kit.
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*