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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-18-2009 3:20 PM by moxxey. 28 replies.
02-16-2009 6:04 PM

- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124

Hi, heard from a friend of mine that B&O plans to release a 46" OLED before christmas 2009 ! It will be able to get with motorized floor stand and also wallmounted. I wonder what the price will be ??
The 7-52 that was planned for launch is stopped, therefor no 7-52 according to my sources.
The 7-series will also be the last product lines with integrated DVD/Blu-Ray.
Anyone with similar information ?

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Your friend looks a bit optimistic... The OLED technology is just not mature enough to get this size of screen. Moreover, this technology still has a big problem of longevity : OLED screens don't last as long as LCDs.
As Sony, the leader in terms of OLED research, is having a lot of difficulties due to the crysis, it's just not possible to see a big OLED TV this year.

- Joined on 10-27-2007
- America
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Your friend is a bit of a dreamer on the OLED front!
I have heard the plans for a 7-52 were scrapped shortly after Kalle's arrival, but who knows? Anything could happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the BeoVision 7 is the last television to integrate Blu-Ray. I would rather have seen a BeoMaster 5 in it myself.
There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Could he have mistaken OLED for LED backlighting???
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 05-07-2007
- nuneaton
- Posts 43

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Ye i would think it would be LED backligting.
If B&O stops putting in dvd drives into the BV-7 then it means once again they will loosing a one box solution which i thought was there whole design concept. Also means people will have to find a home for a beocenter 2 once they end production of the stand alone dvd player which could be difficult since the beocenter 2 won't fit under a tv.

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Posts 220

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
when B&O go oled, I'll be back on board with their TVs.....better start saving now.....
In the meantime, I'll just keep my obsession for MXs going, bought a 7000 at the weekend to add to last weekends 4000 purchase...
Would love to get a Beocenter 1 at a reasonable price......

- Joined on 02-01-2009
- Sweden
- Posts 108

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Your friend is a bit of a dreamer on the OLED front!
I have heard the plans for a 7-52 were scrapped shortly after Kalle's arrival, but who knows? Anything could happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the BeoVision 7 is the last television to integrate Blu-Ray. I would rather have seen a BeoMaster 5 in it myself.
I agree here. Maybe even better a media player with MPEG2/MPEG4 support as well. Unless Beomaster 5 is not able to handle this. Connections should of course be Eternet (and also WLAN).

- Joined on 08-05-2007
- Posts 41

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Is that true, have they cansled the BV7 -52"[:'(]
I have just sold my BV4 - 50" and one of the reasons was to buy a BV7-52" when it would arrive
For me the BV7 series are interesting because of the hole in one consept and offcause the design, so the BV7 without dvd/ bd - player is just not a good enough packed.

- Joined on 04-24-2007
- London
- Posts 1,483

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Apple TV beats the lot in my opinion and controllable via Beo4 / Beo5!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
PierreR:I have just sold my BV4 - 50" and one of the reasons was to buy a BV7-52" when it would arrive
Why on earth would you do that when it's only a rumour and has already been stated that it's a likely 'end of year' project? At the very least, wait for the release and then trade-in your existing TV!
For me, the BV7-52/55 isn't going to happen. Unlike plasma, LCD technology shows standard definition TV in all its 'glory'. ie. it has to be upscaled for a 1080p screen. Now that's bad enough on the 40". Just about acceptable. Standard definition F1 or football isn't even acceptable. However, add an addition 12" to the screensize and standard definition TV would be unbearable.
On the continent, this situation is even worse. Every time I watch Italian or Spanish live football it's filmed in standard definition 4:3. On my BV7-40 MKIII this is bording on unwatchable.
Believe me, there would be a massive difference in TV picture quality between your BV4-50 and a BV7-52/55. Massive.

- Joined on 12-22-2008
- Bath, UK
- Posts 479

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
I hope the rumour about the OLED TV is true because I'd buy it straight away - the picture quality is seriously impressive! But I suspect as many others have said that it is far too early for this to be the case, at least from what I have read.

- Joined on 12-22-2008
- Bath, UK
- Posts 479

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
There seems to be more confusion than usual with dealers in terms of new products - I was told last week by my dealer (Knightsbridge main dealer) that the BC7-55 would be out by Sept of this year and the BV9 would stop being produced by Nov of this year (view is that the BV7-55 would wipe it out). Can anyone shed some real light on the next year for Beovisions? The reason is that I am planning my living room refurb around this.
I appreciate that Knightsbridge is probably your most local store but I have to say that I think its a complete let down as a representative for Bang and Olufsen. Considering the location, which arguably has to be the best in the United Kingdom, it is the tiniest and dullest B&O shop I have ever been in. How can B&O even allow such a ridiculous shop to exist in this location? I know they used to have the franchise in Harrods across the road, but since it closed they then opened this new dealer, but seriously, I think they need ti close it and open a much bigger one making a much bigger statement about B&O. My point is, go to another dealer!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
..I'd buy it straight away..
Simon, have you priced up an OLED 40" TV? I don't know if you have gold stashed away and unlimited funds from your current vocation, but it will be seriously expensive. Think many times the price of the current BV7-40.
The current 11" Sony OLED is nearly £3500 Simon. You do get carried away :)

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- London
- Posts 50

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Simon - thanks for your advice, it confirms my thoughts. Sadly this store almost put me off B&O. I have no desire to use this forum to judge dealers but the dismissive attitude and serious lack of product knowledge I have encountered in this store is something to behold. I am lucky there are a number of excellent dealers in London and will support those who are proud to represent this wonderful brand.
The the BV front, I am half tempted to go for a BV5 HD in the interim and let B&O sort out the BV range. Was really hoping the new brochure would shed some light on new products.

- Joined on 12-22-2008
- Bath, UK
- Posts 479

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
..I'd buy it straight away..
Simon, have you priced up an OLED 40" TV? I don't know if you have gold stashed away and unlimited funds from your current vocation, but it will be seriously expensive. Think many times the price of the current BV7-40.
The current 11" Sony OLED is nearly £3500 Simon. You do get carried away :)
Do I Chris?

- Joined on 12-22-2008
- Bath, UK
- Posts 479

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Simon - thanks for your advice, it confirms my thoughts. Sadly this store almost put me off B&O. I have no desire to use this forum to judge dealers but the dismissive attitude and serious lack of product knowledge I have encountered in this store is something to behold. I am lucky there are a number of excellent dealers in London and will support those who are proud to represent this wonderful brand.
The the BV front, I am half tempted to go for a BV5 HD in the interim and let B&O sort out the BV range. Was really hoping the new brochure would shed some light on new products.
From what you have said we sound so similar as I absolutly loved the BV5. Let me give you the benefit of my experience over the last 2 years, in brief, which I hope will assist you making a sound decision. Basically, I loved the BV5. I loved it more than any other product in the range, either current or past. I had my mind set on it. So, with all this said I am sure you'lll be compeltly suprised (as I was) to find out that I acutally bought the BV7-40 Mark III. Now, I don't necessarily regret that decision because the advice I was given from my dealer, particularly a guy called Alex, was invaluable, and he spoke a lot of sense. He was trying to give me the best advice possible in terms of picture quality and upgradeability and by all accounts he did, so I am happy. However, there is also a part of me that wishes I had of stuck to my guns and got the BV5, even if it was inferior to the BV7, why? Because it was what my heart was set on, and at the end of the day, its like love, we don't choose who we fall in love with, it just happens. In a nutshell then, my personal advice to you, from my own predicament and experience, would be to buy the BV5, especially if you can source an HD version which I believe was late 2005 early 2006. They weren't around for long. Expect to pay up to £4,000 for one, possibly a bit more, but any more than £4,500 I think give it a miss, but thats only my personal preference and I am sure others on here will argue that you won't find one for that price but I would always disagree. You just have to look, be determined and be good at negotiating. They won't hold on to their appeal for that long, so outlets will be looking to shift them on just as much as you'll be interested to purchase, but give it a couple of years and they'll be so old they won't be worth much at all I doubt, simply because they aren't up to spec and no longer competitive in the marketplace, not because of their design which is unique. At the end of the day, you know what something is worth to you. I try not to get too caught up with money. If I like something I buy it, its as simple as that. You make the funds available when you're heart is set on something. That's something that makes sense to me and something I do but not maybe something others do. Who knows, what does it matter either way? You get the point. Buy the BV5, its gorgeous. Don't be tempted, buy it and enjoy it. I think you have the perfect attitude, exactly as I would do, which is to look at it as an interim product, because realisitically, thats all it is. But my goodness will it make a statement! And lets not kid ourselves, part of why we like B&O is ego, we love it when people say, "Wow! What on earth is that thing?" And you'll get that with a BV5 more than any other B&O product guaranteed.
On the subject of the dealer, I am sorry if my post sounded rather negative - it did - but its also basedon fact and personal experience over the years and from your reply it seems you have had the exact same experience. It makes me laugh thinking about it because its so stupid. Its as ridiculous as the BeoSound 6, a complete contradiction. I mean, come on, you don't build the worst B&O dealer in the best UK location do you? LOL! Sometimes I wonder who is running B&O. Quite mad.
Anyway, follow your heart. I always say that with B&O because its a love affair. If you like it, consider it, if you love it, BUY IT! I reckon you'd get a good 5 years at least out of an HD BV5, possibly more, which wouldn't be bbad at all for the price you pay.
You coudl get a BV7 like me, great picture but nowhere near the same design statement that the beautiful BV5 makes.
Keep me posted as would be interested to know what you decide.
Bets wishes, Simon.

- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
Hi again, sorry if I came with misleading information, that wasn´t my intention of course. I have checked with my friend once again and he is convinced that he heard OLED and nothing else, but maybe he is wrong after all.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 339

Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
I think some information is getting mixed up here, BV 7 55" is on its way and should be out by the end of the year. It is said that it will use OLED backlight technology but is still an LCD panel, and there are no plans to discontinue BV 9 at the moment, although you may question the need for such a TV. I do not know exactly what OLED backlight with LCD panel actually means technically but that is what is planned. It will be available with or without Blu-Ray DVD and will of course incorporate BS3 but I have no idea of the price. BV10 will also arrive this year and will be offered between BV8 40 and BV7 40.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
I don't think it's OLED backlight, it's just LED backlight technology, like they use across the Apple MacBook range.
However, I was of the understanding that LED backlight technology would struggle to be implemented over a 30" screen, which is why the key pro Apple Cinema Display screens have yet to be updated?

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: Bang & Olufsen goes OLED
From what you have said we sound so similar as I absolutly loved the BV5.
I was told yesterday that the forthcoming BV10 will be somewhat styled on the old BV5. If that's true, this might be the TV you've been waiting for.