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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-15-2009 9:15 PM by Phil Hunt. 2 replies.
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  • 11-29-2008 12:05 PM

    Beobozzo"s identity revealed: infidel!!

    After getting my 4002 working well enough to compare it to my 8002s and finding it wanting, I've strayed to the dark side.

    In the next week a Yamaha PX-2 linear turntable is arriving. Who will prevail??

  • 12-13-2008 11:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Beobozzo"s identity revealed: infidel!!

    The Yamaha PX-2 arrived but was refused; although it was quite nice cond, all auto functions including arm servo feedback didn't work.

    I'm still looking for one and have my feelers out. Anybody know where one might be available?

  • 01-15-2009 9:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Beobozzo"s identity revealed: infidel!!

    So I've aquired a Yamaha PX-2 linear tracking turntable in very good codition. I'm quite pleased with it. Although the 8002's ergonomics are better and the control functions more logical and intuitive, the Yammie is one fine turntable. One thing immediately apparent is the lower rumble on silent grooves. When I get some time, I'll quantify that with a test record and balanced levels and post the actual values. I still wonder what an improvement a SMMC-1 would make to my 8002s, and I may get one. The state of the economy makes me a little leary after spending money on this unit. And, another interesting possibility-getting the lower compliance SMMC-1 with the attendant adapter for the Yammie-I don't think the effective mass is low enough in the PX-2 to use the high compliance cart or the MMC1/2s I already have in the adapter, but it sure would be nice-then I could make some real good comparisons.













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