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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-12-2008 3:26 PM by Peter. 2 replies.
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  • 12-12-2008 8:31 AM

    • diogo
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    • Joined on 12-12-2008
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    • Bronze Member

    building a vintage B&O system around a BeoMaster 1900

    greetings everyone, and i apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to post this, seemed like the more approriate one. i'd really appreciate any help you folks might give me regarding this matter.

    my name's diogo and i'm writing from Portugal. i've been a fan of B&O all my life but never had the funds to invest seriously. recently, i finally found a completely serviced and brought back to spec BeoMaster 1900 for 200 euros. this has always been my favourite B&O amp in terms of design and something that's been on my mind for many years after seeing one working at a relative's house about 10 years ago.

     basically, i want to build a vintage system around it, but not necessarily with the correspondent 1900 pieces. for instance, i want to get the 1900 cassette deck, but i also need a cd player, and the one that seems to match it properly, looks wise, is the BeoGram CD3500. i also would like to know what would be the best passive speakers for it, in the visual vein of the S45-2s, or if these can do it justice.

     this is what i've settled for so far:

    - BeoMaster 1900

    - BeoGram CD3500

    - BeoCord 1900 cassette deck

    regarding the turntable (BeoGram 1902), i would like to know if this one's nice enough, or if something from the next generation would be more advisable and widely available (ex.: Beogram 2402 or 2400), same with the speakers.

    of all these pieces, the only thing i already own is the BeoMaster 1900. i'd really love to surround it with something that makes it justice, and matches it visually.

     thank you very much in advance for any help.



  • 12-12-2008 2:57 PM In reply to

    Re: building a vintage B&O system around a BeoMaster 1900

    Hello and welcome to Beoworld!

     The S45-2s are perfect match for the Beomaster 1900 (they sound excellent with mine). You will probably need to replace the capacitors in the crossovers but they do not suffer from foam rot.

    A Beogram 1902 or 1700  would be a good match,as would the Beocord 1900. There was no matching CD player then but the CDX springs to mind.  




  • 12-12-2008 3:26 PM In reply to

    Re: building a vintage B&O system around a BeoMaster 1900

    A Beogram 1902 is just as good as the later ones - no point in the 2402 as you do not need the link control. The Beocord 1900 is also sensible as the last of the Beocords have the wrong sensitivity Line instead of DIN. Shame as the Beocord 3500 in some ways is a better visual match! The Beocord 1900 is a bit taller than the Beomaster. The Beogram CD3500 is fine but has a limited number of controls. The CDX has some advantages. A CD/Tape adaptor could also be useful.
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