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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-24-2008 2:20 PM by Maurice . 8 replies.
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  • 07-27-2007 8:22 AM

    • Spike
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    Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post and I wonder if anyone can help me.

    I've tried searching on Google, but I can't find anything useful

    The touch screen on my Beocord 3500 has fallen off. This happened previously with my Beomaster and I had it repaired by B&O as I was living at that time in Finland. Now I'm living on the south coast of Turkey and there's no service centre in reasonable reach.

    My question is, is there a simple way I can re-attach the touch screen. It seems just to have been attached by some kind of contact adhesive applied to the edges of the screen and the base unit. So, can I clean off the old adhesive (how?) and use new adhesive (e.g. superglue, contact adhesive?) or some kind of double sided tape?

    Most grateful for any advice from anyone out there.

    Best regards

  • 07-27-2007 8:56 AM In reply to

    • BenSA
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    Hey there!

     Same thing happen to my Beogram Cd 3500. I used a wet cloth to clean the old tape. I used black silicon to glue it back on, Worked perfectly. Will never fall off again.If you need complete details, eg how to remove the black plastic holders for the glass from the Beocord and more tips let me know.

    Durban South Africa

  • 07-27-2007 9:10 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    Welcome to Beoworld SpikeSmile

    Not much to add to the above reply really other than be careful when removing the old "glue" from the glass panel as they are merely screen printed to give the green/red effects from the lamps. Originally the glass panels were held on with nothing more than double sided tape, many owners simply use 2 part epoxy resin glue.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 07-27-2007 9:38 AM In reply to

    • Craig
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    has the same problem with my Beocenter 9000. Used thin double sided carpet tape and it worked perfectly.



    For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen..

  • 07-28-2007 4:51 AM In reply to

    • Spike
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair


    Thanks all for the super-quick replies.

    Would appreciate more advice on how to get off the old sticky tape from the glass. I tried water, then taking off the remaining sticky with a razor blade (biiig mistake), but rubbing it with a finger seems to be the only way?

    And I'm totally stumped as to how to remove it from the plastic holder part (and I thought I was quite good at taking things apart and putting them back together again ...............!)

    Thanks for the advice so far.

  • 07-28-2007 5:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    Getting the old foam off is a problem. I don't bother! Just use superglue (cyanoacrylate). Works every time and seems to last for ever.

    Regards Graham

  • 07-28-2007 6:25 AM In reply to

    • BenSA
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    It not difficult to take off the plastic holders: Here's the procedure

     Look under the Beocord (just under the front), you will see a small hole with an arrow. You need to stick a thin screwdriver or something else like the end of a paper clip and push upwards. With the screwdriver pushing upwards you need to push on the plastic holder with your hand from the right hand side, pushing to the left. The plastic holder and circuit board will slide to the left. It won't slide all the way out just a bit. Then you need to lift the plastic holder and the circuit board up, the side closest to you first (ie at an angle) and away from the the Beocord. The board will be attached to wires which you can unclip to make things easier. There will be a screw underneath screwing the plastic holder to the board. Unscrew it, then slide the boards to the right at it will come off the holder. You can then glue the glass back on. Remember to put the holders back the right way so that the plastic clip that clicks back into the hole you inserted the screwdriver in is on the right hand side. Once you put the glue its good to place the glass face down and apply pressure on the back of the plastic holder and on the sides of the plastic holders. When dry slide the circuit board back this time it will slide to the left. Replace the screw and clip back the wires. Place the glass panel back on the Beocord with it sticking out a bit on the left (as it was just before you took the plastic holders and board out) and slide it to the right. You will here a click and the job will be done.

     I hope this helps. If you need more details let me know.

     Good Luck!!

    Durban South Africa

  • 07-28-2007 7:51 AM In reply to

    • cozza
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    I use mineral turpentine to clean the old foam adhesive off. Let it soak for 5 minutes, and the glue will scrape off with the back of a fingernail. I have done about 30 beosystems and beocenters with this method, it does not damage the screenprint on the glass. Reattach with a neutral cure black silicone spread sparingly around the plastic holders, and allow to dry for 24 hours before reassembly.
  • 08-24-2008 2:20 PM In reply to

    • Maurice
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    Re: Help with Beocord 3500 repair

    Hi spike

    couldn't help smiling to my self after reading your blog about the glass panel firstly "PUT THE SCALPEL AWAY!!! their is a far simpler and kinder way to strip off the old glue residue. if you  follow the instructions you can recover from your night mare! 

    OK Firstly you need to lay hold of some white spirit only white spirit i cant guarantee anything else will not strip of the paintwork! you will also need evostick contact adhesive 731 will do but it must be contact  will also need to get a modelers tin of gloss black paint and a fine brush and plenty of kitchen roll (oh and while you are at it a cup of coffee LOL)

    Secondly you need a CLEAN flat surface lay out your kitchen roll on the surface to stop spillages all over the place now pour out enough white spirit to cover the glass panel, leave it for about 1 1/2 hrs to soak into the residue glue/foam same thing with the plastic panels x 2 which will also need to be cleaned in the same way.

    Thirdly you need a piece of wood e.g. a lolly pop stick sanded to a blade shape to scrape off the glue, if the glass has not been messed around with before all the residue/foam will easily peel off leaving you clean surface to bond to.

    Forth part now run some moderate warm water and plenty of fairy liquid soak and wash completely with a nail brush this is to remove the oils present in white spirit.

    Next when you have dried the three pieces with a hairdryer you can now touch up the paintwork you scratched off with the scalpel hold the glass up to a window the only light showing should be red and green touch up the back of the panel with black till all the scratches have been painted out allow to completely dry.

    Lastly you can now carefully mask off any area not requiring adhesive by positioning  the frames on the glass and taping to there edges * remember the press up locking tab goes to the bottom edge of the glass* apply adhesive to the frames "not on the edges just the flat surfaces that bond to the glass".  apply thinly adhesive to the glass and allow to set with manufactures instructions remove masking and carfully bond the two frames to the glass by pushing frame hard to either end then nipping in the middle where they meet then firmly applying hand pressure all over. Once you are happy that the bond is secure you can mount the touch glass onto the PCB ensuring you remove the little 5mm locking screw which passes through the PCB to locate it in position ensure all the plastic legs support the PCB and don't be tempted to force anything

    hope this is some help to you

    Regards maurice 

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