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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-19-2012 12:22 PM by uysalt. 2 replies.
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  • 11-20-2010 7:50 PM

    replacing masterlink Avant with NON B&O tv

    Hi there,


    I have a Avant with DVD, Sky box and Multilink in my main lounge connected beolab 3 pair....

    the above is linked to..a beovision3 (bedroom), Beosound 9000 and beolab4000(dining room)


    I want to replace the avant that has the multilink..


    does anyone have any solutions to allow me to replace the avant with a non B&O tv and still use the speakers etc?




  • 11-21-2010 5:38 AM In reply to

    Re: replacing masterlink Avant with NON B&O tv

    The obvious thing to do is get a Beosystem 3 and the flat screen you want - but at a guess, this will be quite pricey. A second hand Beosystem 2 would be possible if less well specified.

    What you are really asking for is a non B&O set with Masterlink - they don't make one I am afraid. You can certainly use the speakers with other sets though.

  • 02-19-2012 12:22 PM In reply to

    • uysalt
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    • Joined on 01-14-2012
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    Re: replacing masterlink Avant with NON B&O tv


    I could be more than a year late in answering positively to your question but here it if you are still interested.

    I bought a Loewe Individual 46'' 3D TV and successfully integrated it with the rest of my B&O set up.

    In this set-up the speakers used to connect to Avant is now connected to the Loewe TV set. So does Ouverture gets connected to the Loewe too.

    As for Ouverture on one floor, Avant is the basement and BeoLab2000 on the 2nd floor keep on working on the MasterLink connection so that we could listen to music through Ouverture where we want it.

    Rather long, so attach a link rather than the text itself. Hope you may find it useful.


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