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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-26-2007 5:40 AM by MoglesMac. 5 replies.
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  • 04-25-2007 6:06 PM

    BeoSystem 5500

    First of all, been reading thru this site alot and it looks really good and it have been very helpful for me.

    Im a very new poud owner of a BeoSystem 5500 + MCP 5500 and i have a couple of questionmarks if anyone can answer them:

    1. Is it really possible to use a Beolink 5000 to control a BeoSystem 5500 coz when I try i only get the "no contact" message.
    But when i change the Beolink to 1-way-communication it works ok and i can control the most "basic" functions.

    2. Can you switch to AUX on the Beomaster 5500 with Beolink 5000? (no button, gotta be a combination of buttons).

    3. I think sadly i have a problem with the DataLink on the Beogram CD 5500 coz when i start a CD I get no response from the Beomaster but if i personally switch to CD via Beolink or MCP i get sound from CD. Is that maybe a "known" problem? Something that maybe can be easly fixed? Im aiming tho for getting it repaired but i just wanted to know if it was a "known" problem. I have also ruled out the specific datalink connection since i have tested to plug in CD in TAPE2/AUX datalink too with no luck.

    Hope you guys can help me out abit :)


  • 04-25-2007 7:20 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoSystem 5500

    The Beolink 5000 does not work in 2 way in my experience. Possibly the later 5500s do, but certainly mine does not!

    Not sure about Aux - not in the manual!!

    As far as the CD is concerned, check the DIN plug has all 7 pins in it. Sometimes two are unscrewed. 

  • 04-25-2007 7:20 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoSystem 5500

    Can't help you with 1. Others here will know.
    On 2 - try pressing first SHIFT on the back, and then ATAPE - that should get you AUX
    On 3 - have you checked whether any of the pins are bent, or broken? Could be a faulty cable.

  • 04-25-2007 7:23 PM In reply to

    • Ignace
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    Re: BeoSystem 5500



    Welcome to BeoWorld Smile 


    Congratulations with your Beosystem 5500 .


    Regarding control by Beolink 5000,

    unfortunately not in 2-way mode, only in 1-way mode. 

    The 2-way of the MCP (5500) is different from Beolink 5000/7000.

    Having said that, i'm somewhat puzzled about my Beomaster 6500

    being able to cope (2-way) with MCP 6500, as well as Beolink 5000 and Beolink 7000.... 


    AUX on Beomaster : SHIFT +  RADIO

    (SHIFT + source-button gives acces to several other sources)

    Regarding the Datalink-issue, i don't know,

    but i'm pretty sure that fellow members can help you with that Smile 


  • 04-25-2007 7:59 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoSystem 5500


    Ignace is right. I gave you the instruction for selecting Tape 2 with the Beolink 5000. 


  • 04-26-2007 5:40 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoSystem 5500

    Thanx all for the very good input, my hair was turning gray out of dispair for not getting the Beolink 5000 to work in 2-way-communication but now i know why hehe and the SHIFT + RADIO works as a treat... look and behold, the lovely AUX :)

    About the CD-problem i will check the DIN-cable and pins on it as soon i get a chance, i need help with lifting and moving it around.

    Again.... huge thanx for all the answers :)


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