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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-03-2011 8:13 AM by tIRED. 23 replies.
08-31-2011 9:00 AM

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
I'm in some need of help/guidiance. I have (amongst other) beloved B&O products a BV4-50 running on a BS3. The BS3 unit was upgraded (from 4.81) to 10.03 about a week ago. Since them I'm seeing some major trouble with my peripherial equipment. My AppleTV (which I use pretty much every day) now gives a black picture with a text saying "Warning - Content is protected - Select another source". I have it registed as VMEM on Source 1. Using HDMI and the STB-controller for AppleTV (with ir). I've tried to change it to V-AUX and/or V-AUX2 etc. No change..
Have worked flawlessly for some 2 years untill now. The text I'm taking about is not "AppleTV-produced" but in the black and white OSD-text from the BS3 unit.
If I switch to anoter source (ie. DTV) and then back to VMEM I can see a short split second glimpse of the AppleTV menu before the screen turns black.
My store doesn't know. They have called B&O support and they claim bad cables. I've replaced cables (at cost of USD80) with best HDMI available. Still no change. Also - AppleTV works perfectly on all other TVs in the house (BV7-40).
Any ideás would be appreciated. Kids are tearing me apart..
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 11-25-2007
- Posts 66

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
sadly it is the cables. I have had it happen to quite a few clients of mine that anywhere from a BV7-55 to BS3 that have the problem. make sure they are 1.4v HDMI cables. This issue is an actual Apple issue though. It started hapening with their last update.
BV7-40 MKIV, BeoVision Avant 32, BeoVision 8-32, BeoLab Penta MKIII, BeoLab 6000 x 3, BeoSound 9000 MKIII, BeoLab 7-4, BeoSound 4000, BeoPort, BeoVox S45-2, ML/MCL Convertors, A8's & Form 2's.

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
You might be right about DRM. I think it is a part of the HDCP code in the BS3 that is malfunctioning. I believe they have added a larger key set in thier later releases (such as 10.03, bear in mind I had 4.81 prior to this release which is about 3 years old). However... Connecting a "streaming device" to a "render device" (as devices in the HDCP protcoll are called) should never render such a problem. Obviously connecting anything to a render device should always be OK. I have a suspicion that the BS3 somehow have gotten keys for "recording devices" incorporated (by misstake) and my AppleTV now is not allowed to transmit to it because of the common HDCP ruleset. Sigh...
Again.. With B&O I'm not exavtly surprised.. Especially with the fact that they will never be able to sort it out (without downgrading my BS3 again..)..
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
I suggest you look up HDMI spec in wikipedia.. This is not a bandwidth related problem..
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 06-30-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 94

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Then technican update your Bs3 did they do a reset to factory after update?
If don't do that first (many strange problem after update of very old sw have been solved that way)
First you have to write down a few value from your screen BEFORE you reset the BSyS3 otherwise you have to pull down screen from wall
to see on the label at backside
You find them in service menu in Submenu "Panel/Pw adjust"
after reset you have to do all setup all over again such as conections tuning speaker and so on, and fill in the value for panel/pw adjust again
Hope that solve the problem

- Joined on 11-25-2007
- Posts 66

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
it's def. HDCP related as I have had clients with full picture on their screen via ATV2, but once they play something say with Netflix or iTunes Movies, they get the error on screen, yet the whole time they can see and control the menu, just not the content itself. The only remedy I have found is to swap cables with 1.4v new trusted cables.
and it's not just B&O, anyones TV can have the problem. It's been a known ATV2 problem for sometime.
Take a look for yourself....
BV7-40 MKIV, BeoVision Avant 32, BeoVision 8-32, BeoLab Penta MKIII, BeoLab 6000 x 3, BeoSound 9000 MKIII, BeoLab 7-4, BeoSound 4000, BeoPort, BeoVox S45-2, ML/MCL Convertors, A8's & Form 2's.

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Will look into this. This might be a worth a try. I've done a reset to defaults in the service menu but not to the extent where I have to reprogram intital calibriation info etc. as you describe..
How do you actually perform a factory reset?
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Appreceiate your concern but I'm on a AppleTV gen 1 and I don't even get to see the menus.. This is not related to the cable (the ATV and the cable have been sitting there for years and always worked fine) as well as the ATV and the cable works just fine on any other tv-set I've tried. B&O or not..
I have what I believe is a HDMI 1.4 cable (I don't know about this 1.4v and what difference that would make) but I'm pretty sure this is not it.. Sorry..
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 06-30-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 94

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Factory reset and reset to default is the same, so if you already have done that after sw update, you don´t need to do that again
but maybe calibration of screen are needed, but that have nothing to do with your Hdcp problem

- Joined on 11-25-2007
- Posts 66

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Well as a guy who has run into this problem before with the same in/out comes I would say it's worth a shot. At the very least try to reseat the connections or reverse the plug and see what you get. We took down a clients 7-55 last month, which we had not done an update to since intial delivery in May, so that they could renevate. When we came back for re-install last week the issue came back up with the known good 1.4v cables. We then swapped them again for new ones and did the most recent update of the ATV and we have no problem (fingers crossed). I know it doesn't make sense, a lot of our problems in B&O don't but they still happen :). I have posted on this in the past, if you can find the true culpret I would love to know what it is, but since the exact symptoms can be seen on other manufacturer's products I can't genuinely say that it's a only B&O problem.....
BV7-40 MKIV, BeoVision Avant 32, BeoVision 8-32, BeoLab Penta MKIII, BeoLab 6000 x 3, BeoSound 9000 MKIII, BeoLab 7-4, BeoSound 4000, BeoPort, BeoVox S45-2, ML/MCL Convertors, A8's & Form 2's.

- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Freedonia
- Posts 290

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
@tIRED I hate this for you. At least use component cables so you can enjoy the ATV until it is sorted out. Given the source, there is certainly no loss in quality. BTW, depending on your agreement with your dealer regarding the software update, perhaps they could give you a little assistance? Learning lesson I won't forget; If you pay for a service visit, have them take the extra 4 minutes and roll through all all of your features before leaving.

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
I'll give the cables another shot this weekend. Will try to decode the HDMI connection with a HDMI analyzer from work. Not really used to dig into the HDCP stuff but hopefully I can learn as I go.. :)
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Just to report back - new cables (1.4v) with absolutely no difference. No support form B&O store (they simply don't understand and do not get support from B&O). "Get another media box that isn't AppleTV" is their suggestion.. Fantastic..
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 06-07-2008
- Arkansas, USA
- Posts 384

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
There is some new digital rights thing with hdmi I have heard. I wonder if that's part of the deal?I have a 4 series software as well on my bs3 and my aTV works perfectly. I will be sure not to update. NJM
I'm ready for something new that I actually want to buy!

- Joined on 01-25-2009
- Posts 3

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
I experience similar problems as tIREd, i.e. "Warning - Content is protected - Select another source" with a brand new Mac Mini connected with a HDMI cable v1.3b to my BS3 with SW 9.01. I am considering buying HDMI v1.4 cables, but understand this will not solve this issue;
@BeoMegaMan - do you recommend any specific brand of HDMI cables? Has anyone been succesful in setting this up?

- Joined on 11-25-2007
- Posts 66

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Hmmm, if your going to try the cable swap then make sure source them from a shop you can take them back to if it doesn't do the trick. :)
BV7-40 MKIV, BeoVision Avant 32, BeoVision 8-32, BeoLab Penta MKIII, BeoLab 6000 x 3, BeoSound 9000 MKIII, BeoLab 7-4, BeoSound 4000, BeoPort, BeoVox S45-2, ML/MCL Convertors, A8's & Form 2's.

- Joined on 01-25-2009
- Posts 3

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
I swapped the HDMI v1.3 for a v1.4 cable but no change: I can see ~5 seconds of the start-up process of the Mac Mini after which the screen turns black and the message "Warning - Content is protected - Select another source" appears.
I can upgrade the BS3 SW, from v.9.01 to the latest version (10.3?), but given the subject of this thread I doubt this will resolve this issue.
any other hints?

- Joined on 04-20-2007
- Milton Keynes, England
- Posts 962

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Hi all, I have a bv7 mk4 and the br drive will be swPped out with a software update to the bv on Thursday. If I have my tv updated and I'm using apple tv will I start to have this problem?
Beovision 7 MKIV (Blu Ray) Beolab 9 Beolab 6000 Beo 4 Beocenter 9300 Apple TV SKY HD Optoma HD65 Projector Lintronic TT455-RT-238 Beovision 3 MKII

- Joined on 11-25-2007
- Posts 66

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
@lowroad and tired, try going into the system menu (red+go) and select picture adjustments and put your framelock to double buffer. Power down and try it again.... just throwing out ideas.
BV7-40 MKIV, BeoVision Avant 32, BeoVision 8-32, BeoLab Penta MKIII, BeoLab 6000 x 3, BeoSound 9000 MKIII, BeoLab 7-4, BeoSound 4000, BeoPort, BeoVox S45-2, ML/MCL Convertors, A8's & Form 2's.

- Joined on 01-25-2009
- Posts 3

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Thanks for your help BeoMegaMan. Unfortunately, changing framelock from 'nearest line' to 'double buffer' doesn't make a difference. Quite frustrating as the BS3 is not the cheapest system.
@tired: have you been more successful?

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
Nope. I've given up. B&O "officials" don't have a clue. Apple don't have a clue (however, it works on 100% of all other TVs I've tried on so far so I doubt it's Apple). Store is clueless. Service technician is clueless..
As my footer sais.. Pretty tired of my corrupt $100.000+++ setup.. :(
The fact that B&O makes the most beautiful equipment is kind of undermined when they can't get it to work.. Sigh...
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)

- Joined on 08-29-2011
- Posts 17

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
As I am reading you are running on a BS3. Have you updated to the newest software?
The problem causing this is indeed an HDCP problem. Input system, BS3 and Output system all have to support HDCP.

- Joined on 05-27-2008
- Posts 32

Re: Beosystem 3 upgrade turned out to be a bit of a downgrade..
This is still not solved (although B&O are working on it, according to my service guy).
I was upgraded to 10.03 (as stated) and even though there is a few versions newer than that available today the issue is still unresoved as far as software goes. They claim the issue is known now and that it will be fixed in a future release..
I'm currently watching my movies through another AppleTV on another TV-set (Beovision 7-40, MK2, which have no problem, of this kind..)
Thanks for taking an interrest though!
/tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)
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