Got the fuse out, guessing its the right one its got colored lines on it.
can i just check it with a continuity tester?
Is it ok to try the beogram with silver paper round the fuse to check operation?
Yes, you can check the fuse out of circuit with a continuity tester. It should have full continuity.
NO, it's absolutely NOT ok to wrap silver paper, alu foil or anything else around a fuse, it's there
to protect your Beogram, your house and you.
A fuse blows for a reason and, ideally, you should check that reason before fitting a new fuse.
However, a fuse can blow for what looks like no reason, usually from a voltage surge or burst and
it will be ok to fit a new fuse and try powering up the Beogram again.
If that fuse also blows, there is DEFINITELY something wrong that needs to be repaired.
Shorting a fuse will just cause something else - somewhere else - to burn.