Ok, let's start with facts:
-B&O now makes "low lifetime products" (products that are quickly outdated technologically speaking) in cooperation with Samsung : Serene, Serenata, Beosound 6...
-By working this way, B&O have very limited investments to make.
-That allows B&O to take more risks and release a product at a earlier stage of technological maturity, and people will accept that if the item is not too expensive.
So my conclusion :
Why would B&O wait a lot to release a HD DVD+Blu Ray player (and the same player in the Beovision 7 and Beocenter 2) as Samsung is planning to release its double player, equipped with HDMI 1.3 and 1080p support, at a low price tag (550$) later this year (here is the link to that information)
So come on B&O, upgrade your products with that player (hopefully that player will take less time to read a disc than the other HD players currently on the market)