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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-15-2010 9:12 AM by Step1. 7 replies.
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  • 10-14-2010 11:18 PM

    • Clive
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    Lightning [li] 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Why do some people never appreciate what they have?  Granted this turntable was originally purchased new in the UK and found its way to Australia via Pakistan and Iraq according to the original owner but dear oh dear, look what has happened to it during its lifetime! I opened it up and shook out bits of what appeared to be dry pasta, about a teaspoon full.  A closer inspection revealed that the transformer case has cracked and this 'pasta' I suspect is insulating resin from inside the case.  The aluminium trim is scratched, veneer chipped, lid broken at hinge points and the hinge mechanism completely missing.  Needless to say the turntable doesn't function properly and the evidence of electricians insulating tape on some wires suggest something bodgy has been done to it aside from the cosmetic damage.  If you think the turntable has been abused, wait till you see the photos of the S75's I picked up at the same time!

    Definitely projects for a 'rainy day' I suspect   

  • 10-14-2010 11:25 PM In reply to

    • Clive
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    This is the other speaker, not subtle enough to be a Chinese 'copy' Big Smile

  • 10-14-2010 11:29 PM In reply to

    • Clive
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Probably should add at least one picture of the Beogram just to complete the rogue's gallery!



  • 10-14-2010 11:30 PM In reply to

    • Clive
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    And if the outside wasn't bad enough............


  • 10-15-2010 2:33 AM In reply to

    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Ouch, Ouch and Ouch again!.

    Not pretty is it?  Unfortunately this happens with more and more equipment these days which I think is partly due to the 'throwaway' attitude many people have these days.  It's easier and cheaper to just throw away there old CD player/DVD/phone or whatever when it breaks (as they seem designed to do just outside the warranty period) and then just buy new ones again.

    Good luck if you decide to restore any of these!.


    Am I ready? I was born ready!

  • 10-15-2010 7:08 AM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Wow, that's quite a journey!

    The deck doesn't look too bad at a distance, I would certainly try to recover that if nothing is bent out of shape or if the transformer is the worst of the damage - IMO these decks look great without the dust cover anyway although of course dust is the enemy. Did B&O recess those lid screws to purposly allow this or transport with the lid packed seperatly, I am not sure?

    At the worst there are lots of spares! If you were in the UK I would take the two panels off your hands as I have a use for some old scratched examples.

    However the speakers, blimey - I think I forget about them!


  • 10-15-2010 8:01 AM In reply to

    • Clive
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    I must admit that I haven't previously seen other such weather beaten examples in Australia, these items are an exception thankfully.  Pretty much everything else I've acquired since moving here has been lovingly looked after as you would expect given that the local market for B&O is IMHO much smaller and more exclusive than Europe or the USA.  Because good vintage equipment rarely comes up for sale, particularly down her in Adelaide, I'll probably give the 4002 my best shot at bringing back to life.  The speaker cabinets may well just become something to experiment with, change the cloth, try a different veneer and replace the innards with whatever I can find that would suit.  Definitely rainy day stuff though. Clive 

  • 10-15-2010 9:12 AM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Ah ok even the speakers could be worth playing with - I wouldn't bother with anything other than original parts though!

    Regards the record player I suspect those transformers were encased in resin to ablige with class II standards so I would be very careful if you plan to test with the original transformer..


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