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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-31-2010 5:21 PM by pcd2005. 0 replies.
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  • 03-31-2010 5:21 PM

    • pcd2005
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 03-04-2010
    • Gloucestershire UK
    • Posts 14
    • Silver Member

    Beocord 5000 type 4715..........partly working!

    Cleve has kindly added to my collection of non-working B&O (I do have quite a bit that does work too!) by donating a rather nice looking 4715.  It lights up...the lid needs to be lifted and held manually - should it have automatic lift when the eject is pressed?  Or should it just hold itself up once lifted?  Anyway thats a minor detail.....I have read a number of threads here and it seems that thsi unit has a fairly typical problem in that the capstans want to turn, but dont quite achieve it in Play mode.  If I press the rewind buttons then the tape rewinds (or fast forwards) well but for a short while.  I can fool it by keeping my finger on the button but then it will wind to the end of the tape, and doesnt want to stop when it gets there!  And no, the counter is not working.  So I guess that I need some belts from Dillen (Martin) please, if he still has some, along with his excellent 'how to get inside it' instructions.  I have downloaded the manuals.

    Any other ideas would be welcomed!

    Many thanks  Peter

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