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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-23-2007 5:10 PM by Medogsfat. 6 replies.
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  • 06-23-2007 11:55 AM

    Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    Can they be wall mounted??

    It would seem that the wall mount would have to stick out from the wall make it all accessable? yes??


  • 06-23-2007 12:15 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    There was an after market non-B&O bracket produced for these by someone on the continent. It sat the beocenters at a 35 degree angle from the wall.

    Not available any more though.


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 06-23-2007 2:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    thanks Chris..
  • 06-23-2007 4:30 PM In reply to

    • Westlander
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    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    In Denmark I found a shop which sells these (self produced?) wall mounts, see for yourself:

    scroll down, and you will find it.


    good luck!


  • 06-23-2007 4:43 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    Looks like somone else has designed a bracket then - nice one Paul.

    The one that I once owned was much more substantial than this version as it was made from good quality sheet steel and required the removal of 3 screws form the front of the beocenter to attach it in situ. A real nightmare to do by myself as the beocenters are very heavy and not the easiest thing to manipulate when they are only half held together- but I eventually managed!

    Definately NOT an official B&O product BTW - I previously mentioned the 35 degree angle which is about the maximum angle these beocenters will accept and still be able top play CD's. I believe the 9300? has a clamping mechanism to hold the CD in place which would in theory allow you to hang these totally vertically.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 06-23-2007 4:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount


    Looks like somone else has designed a bracket then - nice one Paul.

    The one that I once owned was much more substantial than this version as it was made from good quality sheet steel and required the removal of 3 screws form the front of the beocenter to attach it in situ. A real nightmare to do by myself as the beocenters are very heavy and not the easiest thing to manipulate when they are only half held together- but I eventually managed!

    Definately NOT an official B&O product BTW - I previously mentioned the 35 degree angle which is about the maximum angle these beocenters will accept and still be able top play CD's. I believe the 9300? has a clamping mechanism to hold the CD in place which would in theory allow you to hang these totally vertically.



    Vertical placement is NOT an option Chris as the CD mechanism itself is not physically held in place, it just floats on the antivibration springs.

    Regards Graham

  • 06-23-2007 5:10 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beocenter 9000-95000 wall mount

    Well if anyone knows about this then you're the man Graham. I was really only adding some spurious recollections which my aging & coddled old grey matter retrieved from the former beoworld threads on these brackets.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

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