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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-21-2009 4:22 PM by guffas. 9 replies.
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  • 11-16-2009 10:39 AM

    Bad Configuration File?

    BEO5 Error message.....

    16 November 2009 - 15:04:01

    Source : AtiDriverUSBBeo5
    Method : System.Object ForwardCallToInvokeMember(System.String, System.Reflection.BindingFlags, System.Object, Int32Laughing, System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.MessageData ByRef)
    Message : Bad configuration file
    Trace : at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32Laughing aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData) at AtiDriverUSBBeo5Lib._DAtiDriverUSB.SendConfiguration(String fileName) at AxAtiDriverUSBBeo5Lib.AxAtiDriverUSB.SendConfiguration(String fileName) at Beo5_Config_Tool.Tools.ProgressBar.ProgressBarForm2.USBSendNew(Boolean bType, String stFileToSend, String stMessage)

    Dear Beo Experts

    Have been happily updating my Beo5 with impunity until now.  Having upgraded my STB to a Topfield PVR and was in the process of amending/editing the revised channel numbers and shortcuts to menus etc. a relatively simple exercise I had found in the past, this time uploading the revised file to the Beo5 it came back with "Bad Configuration File".

    I have repeated the exercise with the same result.  I suppose I have to start again, which I could do I suppose, what I am nervous of doing is deleting the profile as I might not be ableto connect again, it would be a chore to start again - but hey ho.  Is there anyway I can load an earlier version of my config file which isn't 'bad'?

    I was pretty enthusiastic about the beast - hopefully this quirk won't change that

    Fingers crossed


  • 11-16-2009 2:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?


    Sorry to hear you have started having problems downloading your updated configuration.

    I am assuming you have kept a backup copy of your "Configuration.xml" file ?

    If so, then you can put it back in the clients directory containing a the sub-directory which has the serial number of your Beo5 and if you only have one Beo5, then there will only be one sub-directory.

    You certainly don't need to do the configuration again from scratch.

    From the error message it seems to me that you have had some kind of error or corruption on the USB port, so the first thing I would do is reboot your PC without the the Beo5 connected.

    If when you connect the Beo5 it still fails when you download, then you should uninstalled the Beo5 driver. If you don't know how to uninstall the Beo5 driver then come back and I will provide a step by step guide.

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-17-2009 4:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?

    Thanks for your help, Keith,

    Errrr, Back up, hmmm, Embarrassed no (that's me looking suitably embarassed.

    Hiope this is a lesson to other Beo5 dabblers out there, don't make the same mistake as me.

    The reboot didn't make much difference I am afraid.

    The corruption on the USB port is likely as I have been messing around with the TAPs on my new(ish) Topfield 5800, which entailed me loading a driver so they would speak to each other. Appart from that I don't think I have done anything differently this time than I did on any other occasions when I have uploadied tweaks to the Beo5.  Ho hum

    SO you had better give me a few clues otherwise I am sure that I will break it - now that would be an expensive mistake.

    I have now backed up my latest (and probably corrupted configuration file), horse bolted I know. So I gather from what you say I need to uninstall and reinstall my driver.  I see how I can unintall the whole shooting match (from Windows control panel), but how do I simply uninstall the driver?  I welcome your step by step guide.

    Cheers (and thanks in advance)


  • 11-17-2009 4:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?


    To uninstall the Beo5 driver but NOT the programme itself, then do the following:-

    1. With the Beo5 connected to your PC
    2. Click START then CONTROL PANEL then SYSTEM
    3. Click the HARDWARE tab
    4. Locate the USB section near the bottom of the and click the + to expand as below
    5. Right click on the Beo5 then left click UNINSTALL

    The following is the Beo5 in the hardware section:-

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-17-2009 5:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?

    Ah ha

    When I do just that, I have a list of  'things' in the USB Controllers list - none of which is the Beo5

    Strange, when I go back to the Configuration tool I sse that I am connected as I have the six white arrow heads and no red cross, but my computer says not.

    Do I simply rerun the DriverInstaller Application located on my C:Drive? (with or without the Beo5 connected)

    Your patience and round the clock support is second to none


  • 11-18-2009 2:17 AM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?


    You could run the DriverInstaller utility which is part of the installation programme, but if my memory serves me correctly that will just unzip all the files including the logos and will not actually reinstall the driver. Having said that it will certainly not cause you a problem if you were to run it.

    I am assuming you are running Windows XP, please confirm ?

    The fact the the Configuration Tool sees you as connected, yet the Beo5 apparently is not in the hardware list and it causes the error on download leads me to believe there has been some kind of corruption.

    I suggest the following action:-

    1. Open the "Hardware Device Manager" as stated before with the Beo5 disconnected
    2. Note the number of USB devices in the list
    3. Now connect the Beo5 and the list should automatically refresh showing the new device
    4. Normally you will see the Beo5 appear, but if you see an "unknown" device then you will almost certainly have to re-install the Beo5 Configuration Tool
    5. Also while viewing the list try plugging the Beo5 into different USB ports and also note the results

    If you don't want to re-install the Configuration Tool, then you could do a system restore back to a time you know the system worked. However, before you do that I think we need to determine if your "Configuration.xml" is really corrupt. To do that I suggest you "Upload" it HERE and I will test it. If it works then we know for certain that you system is certainly been corrupted somehow.

    If we determine that your "Configuration.xml" file is working correctly, then I suggest a first step of doing a system restore. If you don't know how to do a system restore I will provide details.

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-18-2009 4:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?

    Tiny steps...

    I have renamed my 'backup' as GarysBADCongeration.xml and tried to up load (several times) and it repeatedly says

    Upload Centre

    One or more files failed to upload

    The reason was File exceeded limitations : GarysBADConfiguration.xml

    Either its too big (I suppose) or my broadband from the deepest darkest countryside is not good enough, I could try tomorrow from my office.

    I am Running XP Professional 2002 version Service Pack 3

    In the meantime I'll have a go at plugingin the Beo5 to various ports etc. I'll let you know the results


  • 11-18-2009 5:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?

    Hmmmm interesting...

    I only have 1 Generic USB Hub,

    7 Intel(R) ICHB Family USB Unveral Host Controllers from 2830 to 283A

    and 7 USB Root Hubs

    But I only have four USB 'holes' on my laptop (more on my laptop desk connection  at work I'll admit)


    on my fourth attempt at plugging in the Beo5 it noted it as a new device, it went off and loaded a driver automatically

    Unfortunately it didn't appear on the list of USB things, running the configuration tool it showed it as connected (6 arrow head no red cross) but still says my file is corrupted and won't load

    I'll go off and re-boot

    thanks as per usual



  • 11-19-2009 1:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?


    I suggest you put the "Configuration.xml" file into a ZIP file or e-mail it to me. I will send you a PM with address

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-21-2009 4:22 PM In reply to

    Re: Bad Configuration File?

    Have you added a new custom logo to the configuration?

    Ifso, ensure that is 92 by 44 pixels. If the image is to big it can cause some problems...

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