hey guys; just to let you know that my 1wk project finaly gave results and i'm now able to run my aTV with Leopard OSX (so the aTV is now like a mac mini rather than aTV's limited SW that you can't install BM-Link on)
While i expect there are very few out there who would be intresting in hacking an aTV and run OS X - i at least wanted to let you know its possible as i did my research in this forum prior and didn't find any answers....
If you need any help or have any questions - let me know.
Wanted to be able to use my spare BL 7-1 as a bedroom speaker which i could play music and controll with Apple touch/iPhone remote without having to buy the full MacMini which would be pearls for Swine as no video/performance required.
BL 7 doesn't have a line-in (so no external DAC e.g.) - hence needed to use the BeoPort - which requires BM-Link software that can't be installed on aTV (which i'm sure is possible, i just don't have the UNIX skills to do so - just preservance)
Aquired the smallest 40GB aTV
Installed Leopard OS X (as per instructions on Hackintosh)
Installed BM-Link SW
iTunes, Server mount automatic on log-in
Apple Remote SW paired with new iTunes
all the best
Grant me the serenity to accept the B&O I can't afford