TS4: If i buy the Schmartz-thing, what do i get? Is it a sticker? Or an USB-dongle? And the most important question: How am i able to use the ON/Off-button with the beo5?? I have added the "V.MEM" Menus of the PS3 with the beo5-config-tool and installed the NYKO-USB-dongle and i am able to control 100-1% of the PS3, only on/off misses. Which buttons of the beo5 will control on/off when buying this schmartz-thing?
Thanks for any further detail
Schmartz is a USBdongel and a wire with a copper stick that you put on over on/off button on PS3. Very easy!!
The command is: ON = 1 OFF = 0.
So when I press DVD on my Beo5 its sends DVD+1 (Macro)
I have Nyko too, but Schmartz is much better I think and looks more sleek if you have PS3 "in sight"
more info here: http://www.schmartz.com/product.sc;jsessionid=02365C002C45E4C70CEBB10F90B83B4D.qscweb24?categoryId=1&productId=4