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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-30-2011 4:05 AM by beoaus. 2 replies.
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  • 05-28-2011 4:09 PM

    • k3wt
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    Recommendations on setup and Beolab 8000/8002 reviews

    Hi guys, i'm new and have a lot of questions; so go easy :)

    Ive been trying to search for reviews on the 8000/8002 but found very little. My parents have a fair bit of B&O items so i'm relatively familiar with the products which is why i also wish to get some! I would like to start with some 8000's for when i move into my new apartment in the next few months. I will probably get them 'used' and pair them up with a Beolab 11 from the get go.

    First of all apart from the cosmetic differences has anybody upgraded or auditioned the two under the same conditions?

    Are they better soncially (despite what B&O say about them being identical)?

    Are the 8002s worth the extra money?

    In terms of buying used should I be aware of anything on viweing? are they prone to fail in any way? My dad would say to buy new for peace of mind but then again I will be paying :(

    Does it go pair up will with a Beolab 11?

    Ideally I wish to build a set up with a Panasonic plasma, Beolab 11, Beolab 8000 for front, 6002s at the rear (havent been too impressed by the sound to be honest so would be grateful for any suggestions), an AV reciever of some sort? no ideas on centre channel yet PLUS use Sonos.

    How does that sound? Will it work?!

    Thanks in advance!

  • 05-29-2011 6:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Recommendations on setup and Beolab 8000/8002 reviews

    The big advantage of B&O is the way it all works together. The speakers do look very good but are really best used a part of a B&O system. That way you don't have to worry about using different remotes or getting adapters. The 8002 is a new release so you are correct in saying that there are no reviews. From experience with the Beolab 4000, I would doubt there is any great advantage to them - I think it was done to standardise the range and ICE amplifiers are lessy bulky and quite possibly cheaper.

    I would consider buying from a B&O re-seller - you will get a warranty from them and you will save a considerable amount of money. Clearly the AV processor to aspire to would be the Beosystem 3 but if strapped for cash, a 2 will be much cheaper and still offer HD. I would also consider a BV5 - very cheap now considering it sold for £14,000 when new and still in my view very stylish.

  • 05-30-2011 4:05 AM In reply to

    • beoaus
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    Re: Recommendations on setup and Beolab 8000/8002 reviews


    My advice

    I thought there is little difference in the sound of the 8000/8002. The 8002 does not buzz to the same level as some 8000's (very few) and it uses fractionally less power. Look for scratches, absence of pops, consistent speaker sound over the volume range and some may have twisted the speaker without undoing the bolt below. Audition on a B&O system (as Peter suggested) with loudness on. Save your money and buy the original 8000's.

    In general the handy maybe able to service them if need be, the cap is hard to get off...

    I'd go for the Beolab 2 and 4000's for the rear (originals, not the new ones) with a Beosystem 2 for HD also as Peter suggested. I have heard 6000's that sound great (as front speakers) but it looks like you which to combine theater sound and an audio system...

    The Sono's system will connect to the Beosystem 2 via its analog connectors.

    good luck beoaus.

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