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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    [quote] Where the good old Beovox S45 (and S45-2) was a well performing three-way medium-range system, the later (1980's) Beovox S45 was a two-way bottom range speaker. [/quote] So, this leaves the issue that I don't understand: why would a company make a given product *worse* -- why *change* the design of the S45 in a manner that clearly makes
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-11-2011
  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    [quote user="Peter "] The best upgrade is to buy some S45-2 speakers! Same frontal aspect but a superior speaker. Available for usually little money - I gave a pair away not long ago! Still kept one pair - I must do the cross overs some day but they still sound great! [/quote] I'd love to get a pair and fix them up. They usually pop up
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-11-2011
  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    [quote user="Peter "] Schematic now on site - good luck! [/quote] And now on my hard drive; thanks! -Olin
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-11-2011
  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    [quote user="Rich"] Welcome, Olin, to Beoworld. [/quote] Thank you, Rich. People here are amazingly friendly. As I remarked in a private message to Dillen earlier today, I was browsing around this forum yesterday and stumbled over a thread started by this disgruntled guy in Florida who had decided that B&O gear was complete crap, worse
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-10-2011
  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    Thank you for your fast reply, Søren. [quote user="Søren Mexico"] The crossover in S40 will be a simple one as its a 2 way speaker, [/quote] Yep. [quote user="Søren Mexico"] first check if both speakers are bad, if yes, check them with another source, just to be sure that its a speaker failure and not amplifier
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-10-2011
  • Re: Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    [quote user="Dillen"] I'm surprised to hear that you feel the Beovox S40 are not up your needs. They are widely recognized as being some of the best two-way speakers around. Maybe you are right, that something is wrong. Capacitors could be a problem, but that can be solved. The woofers themselves, are you sure that they are the originals
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-10-2011
  • Refurbishing a pair of Beovox S40 speakers

    I am seeking some advice on how best to go about refurbishing a pair of speakers. I have a pair of Bang & Olufsen S40 speakers from my college days, circa 1980. These are a two-way sealed-enclosure design, medium in size. I have a room in my home where a pair of small speakers like these would be perfect, and the price of "free / close to free"
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Olin Shivers on 04-09-2011
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