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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Beocenter 7002 turntable problem

    After a house move at the week-end the turntable on my Beocenter does the following: First time operated after the relocation the tone arm went to the record perfectly however at the end of the album it didn't return, nor did the turntable stop spinning. Now when I press phono the arm moves across and lowers onto the record but almost immediately
    Posted to Vintage Products (Forum) by Clive on 08-09-2011
  • False bidding

    I don't know if this has been covered before but I was curious about members thoughts and experiences with what I believe is officially known as "shill bidding", ie friends and family of the seller placing false bids to drive the price of an item up. Bidders on flea bay in Australia are now anonymous where previously there was the ability
    Posted to eBay - the right way! (Forum) by Clive on 10-21-2010
  • Re: S45 speakers for my 1983 5000 music centre

    Just finished re foaming a pair of S45's myself, some achievment for someone born with 10 thumbs, and all of them left handed! Not too high on the 'degree of difficulty' ladder I'll admit however I personally find it very satisfying in bringing something back to life, particularly in the age of the use it once and toss it mentallity
    Posted to Vintage Products (Forum) by Clive on 10-21-2010
  • Re: Forget the spare room...

    Seeing that collection again begs the question I frequently ask myself, whatever happens to all the speakers? If its safe to assume that pretty much every system is sold with at least one pair, and I do realise that there will be exceptions, is there a speaker version of the fabled 'elephants graveyard' where they all go when they die? They
    Posted to eBay - the right way! (Forum) by Clive on 10-21-2010
  • Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    I must admit that I haven't previously seen other such weather beaten examples in Australia, these items are an exception thankfully. Pretty much everything else I've acquired since moving here has been lovingly looked after as you would expect given that the local market for B&O is IMHO much smaller and more exclusive than Europe or the
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Clive on 10-15-2010
  • Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    And if the outside wasn't bad enough............
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Clive on 10-14-2010
  • Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Probably should add at least one picture of the Beogram just to complete the rogue's gallery!
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Clive on 10-14-2010
  • Re: 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    This is the other speaker, not subtle enough to be a Chinese 'copy'
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Clive on 10-14-2010
  • 4002 worth repairing/restoring?

    Why do some people never appreciate what they have? Granted this turntable was originally purchased new in the UK and found its way to Australia via Pakistan and Iraq according to the original owner but dear oh dear, look what has happened to it during its lifetime! I opened it up and shook out bits of what appeared to be dry pasta, about a teaspoon
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Clive on 10-14-2010
  • Cartridge repair

    It seems often these days that we receive poor or shonky service however today my cartridges arrived back from Axel and after testing them I was so impressed with his work that I felt it shouldn't go unrecognised on the Forum. I would like to publicly express my thanks to Axel for providing a good service and also for such a quick turnaround of
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Clive on 10-14-2010
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