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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Beocenter 2300 lights, sliding doors malfunction, CD won't play

    I own a Beocenter 2300, bought somewhere mid nineties. It would seem it's getting a bit older, as I have a few small problems: - the right light next to the cd is broken. Can I repair this myself, or should I take it to the shop? - Every now and then, the sliding doors malfunction. When I wave my hand in front of the beocenter, the doors open, but
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by WDPE on 06-16-2010
  • Beolab 6000 distorted bass

    Hello everybody, I've been using a pair of beolab 6000 speakers with a beosound 3000 for over 7 years without having any problems or changing the setup in any way. However, recently, when I turn up the volume just a bit higher then the standard playing volume, the lower sounds seem distorted. The sounds resembles a sort of resonance, but this isn't
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by WDPE on 07-02-2009
  • Tv Vlaanderen op MX 4200/4002

    Ik had graag Tv Vlaanderen gekeken (digitale sateliet met decoder-kaart, equivalent van Kanaal Digitaal in Nederland, als ik me niet vergis) op een MX 4200 (of 4002, zou eens op de achterkant van de televisie moeten gaan kijken). Heb gezien dat B&O geen digitale sat box heeft? Zijn er decoders van andere merken die volledig compatible zijn (bediening
    Posted to BeoWorld Dutch (Forum) by WDPE on 04-03-2009
  • Beovision MX 4200 satellite?

    I read there is no satellite receiver for the MX 4200 that can handle digital & encoded reception, but does anyone know if there are decoders from other brands that are compatible?
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by WDPE on 04-02-2009
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