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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Ok, I take that (old post) back. I just purchased a set of beolab 5!!!
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 10-18-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Yes, Why not another Beolab 5? Perhaps with an hdmi connection? It would make life easier. I don't want to use their remote control for volume control either (by the way, my understanding is that even with analog connection it would apply) and another for changing a non-beo tv channels. That doesn't simplify things for me.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-06-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Please disregard my last post. I am now reading the BL5 users manual I found online. However, I am sorry to say that unfortunately I will not buy the B&O speakers at this time because of the "need" to use a separate remote control. If it was just me in the apartment i would have maybe dealt with it, but I can't complicate things that
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-05-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    You have been very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. Please, this is my last question, and perhaps its what worries me the most: I am not sure about the connection options fir a non B&O pre-pro. I have a Denon a1hdci processor and this device does not have digital outs, as far as I know. My understanding is that the
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-05-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Thanks for all the replies. I do have millions of questions thou. I'll try to limit to a few more if I may. The web site states that this speaker could be positioned near a corner. In my case one of them would -2 to 3 feet. Does anyone have had such experience to share?
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-05-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    I don't recall where I read it, but some people were bashing B&O for using "cheap "Vifa" drivers. But I didn't think they were reliable sources.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-04-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Ok, auditioned the BL5 again with not so good source material. We listened to palladia tv channel and I must say I was impressed. I could not hear distortion whatsoever. It was loud and clear. The quality of the bass was superb for such a small speaker but I thought that the punch was a little too much ...or maybe because I am not used to it. However
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-04-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    I'm about to go to the store for one more audition and I'll bring my music CDs. Just out of curiosity... Do B&O make their own drivers or are they off the shelves type? Thanks again.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-04-2011
  • Re: Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Well, I thought its not an unreasonable question, and at least I should have tried. Take the water analogy of the first poster, it seems to me highly pretentious. You really think that the Beolab 5 is the and of all and that's it?! Water is not a man-created liquid, Sir! Soon or later, if B&O have desire or need to a new pair of speakers they'll
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-04-2011
  • Isn't it time for a "new" Beolab 5?

    Hello, This is my first post here even that I am not an owner yet of any B&O products. However, I am considering for purchase a set of Beolab 5. What refrains me from buying the 5s is that the speakers were produced in 2003. That's 8 years ago! Does any one know whether B&O is working on a replacement or planning an update? Thank you
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Maab on 09-03-2011
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