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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: iPhone

    Re the question of the size of the iPhone compaired to other modern mobile phones; I would personally prefer a larger phone, being a user of mature years. I refuse to buy one of these "pixie" phones because they are too hard to operate due to the miniscule size of the keypads. I currently use a 10+ year old Motorola cd930e, but will happily
    Posted to Beo-Mac (Forum) by beofan on 04-22-2007
  • Re: reviews on Form 2 headphone please?

    Yes I'd agree with previous post by Craig, nothing wrong with audio quality, but they do tend to pinch your ears after about an hour. But on the plus side they do have a very long cable! Dom
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by beofan on 04-21-2007
  • Re: Removing lab5000 perspex cover

    The perspex covers on my Beolab 3000s were both loose when I got the speakers (the double sided foam tape had long since rotted and so the adhesive parts had seperated and were stuck the perspex cover and amp body respectively). I have not bothered to restick the covers because when I came to look at them the inside window of the cover (where the display
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by beofan on 04-21-2007
  • Re: Problem with my Beosound 9000 CD changer

    Just as a follow-up, thinking about it, the movement of the CD clamps must be part of the Cd reading process - if the clamps don't release properly then the player will not "see" a CD in that position, and so will move on to the next disc to play? Dom
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by beofan on 04-20-2007
  • Re: Problem with my Beosound 9000 CD changer

    Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, looking behind the CDs there is a fair amount of dust so I am going to carefully clean it out (its a preowned machine that was in a showroom as part of a sales display). However special thanks to Jay because his suggestion of moving the half-moon shaped CD clamps seems to have done the trick, the lower one
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by beofan on 04-18-2007
  • Problem with my Beosound 9000 CD changer

    Hi There Would anyone be able to suggest what the fault with my BS9000 CD changer may be please? Symptoms are that when I press "Go" to play the CD in position "1" the disc will spin up,stop, spin again, but always stop, and then the display will read "pause". Repeated pressing of "Go" will get the disc to start
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by beofan on 04-17-2007
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