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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: Beocenter Help

    Yes, I cant imagine we will have all speakers blasting at once. After thinking about it I believe there are 14 speakers total. Do you think a beocenter 9500 would easily handle most of these speakers playing at medium volume or 5-6 playing loudly?
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-30-2009
  • Re: Beocenter Help

    And yes, at this point I am pretty set on getting a B&O system. It seems to be much easier.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-30-2009
  • Re: Powerlink cables

    Kinda have two discussions of the same topic goin on now, but I'm gettin good info so I will just go with it. Attached pics again of everything that I have found in the house thus far. First pic, Volume dial, light switch, and B&O box above with mute and start. Second pic, typical speaker that is mounted in several rooms. As I said there are
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-30-2009
  • Re: Beocenter Help

    Thanks for the insight fellas. I am not home now, but I have removed a volume dial from the wall in the past (by the way, when turned they click, not scratchy). Behind the dial there was a white box w/ several wires going in and out of it. If I remember correctly. I'm glad you replied to this thread when you did. I was on the verge of buying a Beocenter
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-30-2009
  • Powerlink cables

    I just bought a house with a B&O speaker system mounted in the walls of several rooms. In living room there are 4 cables coming out of the wall (as pictured above). Do these cables connect directly to a Beocenter 8500 or 9500 to run this speaker system? Or will I need some sort of adapter? Thank your for any helpful information.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-30-2009
  • Re: Beocenter Help

    First picture is light switch, volume control that is in every room that has speakers, and some sort of B&O control panel that is in 3 rooms. Second picture is same panel, just close up. Panel says 'timer' on the left and 'mute' on the right. Third pic is speaker. About 2 in every room. There is about 12-16 throughout the house.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-24-2009
  • Re: Beocenter Help

    All rooms with speakers have a volume control dial and 3 rooms have the rectangular wall mounted items you described. I will try to get some pictures together for you.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-21-2009
  • Beocenter Help

    Hello, I am a tech amateur and could use a little advice from all of you beowizards out there. I recently moved into a house that has a B & O Speaker system throughout it. In the main living room there are four cords coming out of the wall. The previous owner did not let us know what was originally used to power the speaker system. It was installed
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by rhansen on 10-21-2009
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