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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: Beogram 4002 lid problem

    I had one fabricated by someone here where I live out of brushed steel, but the brushed metal was thicker than the strip that came with the table. It is a matter of finding the correct gauge of metal by a fabricator who would go to the trouble of getting it. I am sure that the original strips had the text screened printed on them which could be done
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 02-27-2012
  • Re: Beogram 4002 lid problem

    Realize that the metal strip has a pretty strong glue securing it to the plastic and you will most like cause some bends in the strip. This is even if you are only bending it enough from each end to expose the screws. So I wouldn't remove the complete strip at all. If you look carefully you can see the bends in the strip in Leslie's image. I
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 02-25-2012
  • Early Beogram 4002 Compared to Later Models

    I might just not be aware, but has there ever been a discussion about how the earlier models of the BG 4002 compare to the later models in quality or function. I know that with the earlier model 4002 the motor was originally AC and the platter was heavier like the 4000 and in 1 piece. Also the main board was very different from later models. It would
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 01-30-2012
  • Re: Equivalent Transistor Recommendations

    Hello Guys, Thanks for the input on this. I did not do an ebay search originally because I did not know how crucial getting quality parts or a reliable manufacturer brand for transistors was. I find the BC212B transistors on ebay but they are discontinued here in the states through many of the suppliers. Seems that sellers in Europe have them. And Jacque
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by jfrancis on 12-26-2011
  • Equivalent Transistor Recommendations

    Hello All, I am repairing/restoring a Beogram 4002 model 5513 and wonder if I could get someone to recommended replacements for transistors. The ones in question are the Texas Instrument BC212B, BC142, BC143 and BC144. I am not finding these available any longer through the parts supplier I have used in the past. Are there equivalents I should consider
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by jfrancis on 12-25-2011
  • Re: Turntable Speed changing on Beogram 4002 (Related to my earlier post on the same 4002)

    Hello Jacques, Thank your for the reference to the manual and the attached diagran. I thought I should try switching the control panel one more time per your suggestion but that did not fix the problem. Also since I last posted I have replaced the 33 and 45 adjustable pots and the 4 largest wattage resistors on the main board which had a flaky look
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 03-02-2011
  • Re: Turntable Speed changing on Beogram 4002 (Related to my earlier post on the same 4002)

    Hello Jacques, I had two motors that were not functioning so previously I was switching what I thought were the best parts between them. That is how the polarity thing got mixed up, the cases were not the same on both motors so the 3 screw holes would never align in any position that I was putting them together but I did not know it mattered. So in
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 03-01-2011
  • Re: Turntable Speed changing on Beogram 4002 (Related to my earlier post on the same 4002)

    Update. The good news is that I think I have fixed the motor and it is running at a consistent speed. The bad news is the board I thought was fine has two new problems. First the indicator lamp and the pot is not getting power on the 33 rpm adjustment in the control panel. The 45 rpm still lights. I know the 33 rpm lamp is not getting power because
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 03-01-2011
  • Re: Turntable Speed changing on Beogram 4002 (Related to my earlier post on the same 4002)

    Hello, Sorry I did not supply the information before, it is a DC motor, in a Beogram 4002 type 5513 table. I have now switched out the main board with a working one and with a motor that I know is a good one and runs at a consistent speed. I checked what Jacques was saying about the polarity and that was part of the issue, sorry it never occured to
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by jfrancis on 02-28-2011
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