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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: What was the last film you watched & said "I really enjoyed that"

    Trollhunter. Funky pseudo documentary in the style of Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield. Norwegian film, subtitled in English, really a delightful surprise.
    Posted to Music & Film (Forum) by Jeff on 02-28-2012
  • Re: What's playing RIGHT NOW?

    Pink Floyd - Meddle right now, fits my mood. Actually my mood is more aligned with The Final Cut but I'm trying to avoid making it worse. And I still have my Discwasher record brush and stylus cleaner, along with a Pickering brush with anti static bristles, soft, thin carbon impregnated or some such. I gave my Record Doctor vacuum record cleaner
    Posted to Music & Film (Forum) by Jeff on 02-28-2012
  • Re: The Audiophile & B&O

    Those old Columbia and RCA recordings are amazing. Of course, one of the best known classics of jazz that I just love is Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis, and that has to be one of the worst recordings in the history of music. You can hear the saturation distortion followed by clumsy gain riding, but the music is incredible. How do you think the mid-80's
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Jeff on 02-28-2012
  • Re: New to B&O

    Well, re bass remember you're dealing with a speaker with a 4 inch woofer, even with adaptive bass linearization there only so much air a driver that size can move. As for the treble, kind of surprising, as that tweeter is usually smooth and if anything not very extended or bright. How are the tone controls on the Beosound set? You might try different
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Jeff on 02-28-2012
  • Re: Penta questions...

    [quote user="GTS"] All valid points Jeff - a great response. I agree that Fs as a lower frequency limit isn't a primary concern, though as a physical property it affects a great deal. The notion of valid end termination gives further ammunition to the previous question though - loading a cone up with glue at the periphery will have a more
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Jeff on 02-28-2012
  • Re: New to B&O

    Get them off the floor but close to the wall. They were designed for wall or shelf mounting, it doesn't surprise me they would sound bad on the floor. Any small speaker will. Your ears should be at the same height as the drivers or slightly lower IMO.
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Jeff on 02-27-2012
  • Re: Beogram RX2 - Looking to add some type of material to the platter

    I think you'd mess the weight calibration up less than you'd change the vertical tracking angle of the cartridge as the record height is higher. How much that would change things depends a lot on the cartridge, I expect the nude contact line would find it a bigger change than the eliptical stylus. Whatever you try should be very thin. ONe issue
    Posted to BeoGram (Forum) by Jeff on 02-27-2012
  • Re: The Audiophile & B&O

    "Popular" music has traditionally suffered from poor studio work, and tailoring to sound good on boomboxes, radios, and cheap car systems ala the use of the old Horrortones (Auratones) to test the mix on. Some artists are exceptions, Steely Dan being one, and lately a lot of remasters of older rock have come out that are quite good, including
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Jeff on 02-27-2012
  • Re: Penta questions...

    [quote user="GTS"] [quote user="Leslie"] Foam. Have been using rubber before but it's quite difficult to handle! [/quote] Would imagine this changes the T/S parameters also, starting with Fs - probably not ideal. [/quote] True, but if for a midrange that is operated fairly far above resonance, maybe not as much of an issue? But
    Posted to The Workbench (Forum) by Jeff on 02-27-2012
  • Re: The Audiophile & B&O

    It's ironic that, after being given the best medium to date for delivery of music to the end user, CD, with flat power response, outstanding bass, channel separation, and dynamic range, that the music industry would use that to deliver overly compressed crap that wouldn't stress the reproducing ability of a 78 rpm record. Good CDs, done by engineers
    Posted to General Forum (Forum) by Jeff on 02-27-2012
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