Wings: I was in the B&O shop today and had a look at the BS-6. It is light and lacks the "heft" of the BS-2. My other initial impressions were that:
1. it appears intended for use by right-handed people as I had difficulty using the volume control with my left hand, unlike the BS-2
2. for me, the control buttons of the BS-6 did not have the same tactile feel as the BS-2
3. I did not like the shiny finish which reflected the light into my eyes as I was trying to view the screen
4. I agree with the previous posts about the top of the case not closing completely
5. the BS-6 didn't sound better than the BS-2 -- but I only tested the BS-6 for about 5 minutes [listening to "Maneater", "Close to You" and "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence"]
6. The back side of the BS-6 is labled "Samsung" while the front is "B&O" so if I hold up the BS-6 to use the controls, the people facing me will only know that it is a "Samsung" -- am I being snotty?
Perhaps not sufficient time to properly test the BS-6, but I remain to be impressed. Sorry.
No I dont think you are being snotty, I thought the same when I went in and had a look. My plan was to get my good wife to guy me one for xmas, but the quality of the screen and the samsung logo put me off completely. Sorry, but paying B&O prices for something branded as samsung.................. I DONT FN THINK SO!
I am fully aware that many product over the years where for example "phillips" with a B&O logo (and a bit of design), but I believe in this instance there has been little input from B&O, and its nothing but a marketing/money making scheme between samsung and B&O, which I am a bit disapointed about.