Thanks to all, I`m glad to show my projekt for all in BeoWorld. Its not only the ear that can hear the changes. Here are the visible result of the projekt 

First I have powerede my 4 Penta with 4 X 1000ASP ,- and then the B&W,-PV1 subwoofer have 500 watt ICEpower . My next projekt are to power the Avant (center)speakers with 1 X 250 watt ICEpower
Here are the amplifier I use for the front Penta, the rear amplifier are the same inside but in a onother cabinet.

Penta, BC2 , B&W- pv1 and BeoVision Avant

I have change the condensator in some others Penta before, but its ekspensive, ( 100- 200 euro each ) therefore i wait with this projekt . I have four Penta !
I have make some notes from the old projekt, and I hope BeoWorld members will use them
Condensator need to bee change after while. Here are a picture of a old (open) condensator. It should have been covered by silver , but now there only are a litle in the end.

Typical condensator

BeoLab /BeoVox NORMAL FILTER diagram

Here is a diagram if you instead want to make biwiring.

This graf shows the difference betveen a old and new condensator!

Condensatorer in filtrene , to one Penta speaker (all types ), are named here
Notice: uF is called "Micro Farrad" and nF is called "NanoFarrad"
Midrange filter
C1: 22 uF 10% 35 V
C2: 8,2 uF 10% 35 V
C3: 82 uF 15% 35 V
C4: 3,3 uF 10% 100 V
C5: 10 uF 10% 35 V
C6: 680 nF 10% 63 V - olso called 0,68 uF
C7: 680 nF 10% 63 V - olso called 0,68 uF
C8: 22 uF 10% 35 V
Bas and tweeter filter
C1: 68 uF 10% 35 V
C2: 220 uF 20% 35 V
C3: 47 uF 10 % 35 V
C4: 2,2 uF 10% 100 V (tweeter)
C5: 3,9 uF 10% 100 V (tweeter)
C6: 680 nF 10% 63 V - is a 0,68 uF (tweeter)
Always use the best condensators for tweeter and midrange. Its okay to use different brand in same filter, but keep them together.
which mean one brand for tweeter and another brand for midrange.
If you not have time or money to change them all, then first change condensator that are placed in serie, becouse they are most importent for the sound.
Most used brands in Hi-End condensators are these:
(choose MKP or MKT types) and yes- they are expensive, but popular for DIY
Audyn CAP from Intertechnik,
Mundorf J E N S E N