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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-17-2011 7:02 AM by Medogsfat. 31 replies.
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  • 09-15-2011 2:19 PM In reply to

    Re: I think tis is better deal !


  • 09-16-2011 4:28 AM In reply to

    Re: I think tis is better deal !


    You have a very jaundiced view of running a small business selling pre-owned B&O or any other small business. How do you know that this seller is making "healthy profits". By the time he has paid all his dues, he will be lucky if he has enough left to fill his bath, never mind a swimming pool or two.

    Ebay fees, paypal fees, 20% of margin to VAT man, income tax, national insurance, bank interest and fees, motoring costs to collect stock, wages etc, etc. are just some of the outgoings before making a "profit".


    Regards Graham

  • 09-16-2011 2:56 PM In reply to

    Re: I think tis is better deal !

    I regards what I said , this was said following the fact  I had seen some not very favourable remarks about certain items on Ebay, I then asked advice on a price for items as I am not too familiar with prices based on used goods (being new to Ebay and new to Band O stuff !) However I have seen some rather high prices and some rather inflated especially for B and O items ,it also brought me to conclusion some people could well want to take advantage of B and O buyers wrongly assuming they have very large wallets and will just be taken in by possible "kudos" of it all !Also when I see boards like "Flash your B and O "I could even possibly understand why some could take advantage of some!(especially those who like myself am not expert on proper/fair value of things") Secondly the remarks I made regarding "swimming pool" were said rather tongue in cheek amd were in no way slanderous to seller or indeed to anyone who has a swimming pool!"its was just based on my opinion and also if people were true to themselves thay would also agree with what I said ! So now please lets end this , I had some good advice and I have learnt quite alot regarding E-bay and possible better buying techniques !So instead of having a go at me,why dont you go and look at "flash your b and o" and enjoy  the goods and just hope these have all paid a fair price ? I rest my case .....

  • 09-16-2011 3:54 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: I think tis is better deal !


                did you delete your previous post yourself? I thought it was a very good response to the criticism you got for contemplating cancelling the sale.

    The fact you took it on the chin & decided to go ahead with the purchase (you could have easily just have disappeared into the ether without a by your leave) says a lot about your character - in a good way Wink

    I personally didn't expect any further castigation of you after you submitted that comment, but there are a lot of traders in used B&O who frequent this particular section of the forum which is possibly one reason why the reaction was so intense - that & the ethos of fair play amongst the membership is very strong.

    I agree with you that a line should be drawn under this thread as you suggest.


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 09-16-2011 7:15 PM In reply to

    Re: I think tis is better deal !

    I think the one big thing people seem to forget is that you're getting a brilliant item for about a third of its retail price! That's a bargain!!! 

    Just enjoy your purchase, and stop worrying whether you paid 50 pounds too much....

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 09-17-2011 1:25 AM In reply to

    • mediabobny
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    Re: I think tis is better deal !

    I thought it was a very good response to the criticism you got for contemplating cancelling the sale.

    Yes jonnie, I think you should continue the good work and "cancel the sale" of several other auctions that you win in the future.  In which case eBay will "cancel" your account permanently.

  • 09-17-2011 7:02 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    • *Moderator* Leeds, Yorkshire
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    Re: I think tis is better deal !


    I thought it was a very good response to the criticism you got for contemplating cancelling the sale.

    Yes jonnie, I think you should continue the good work and "cancel the sale" of several other auctions that you win in the future.  In which case eBay will "cancel" your account permanently.


    Err....... I think you've missed the point. JONNIE has taken the criticism on the chin and is going ahead with this purchase so I really think it's time we cut him some slack here. He was pilloried for considering cancelling the purchase so he should now be given the same ammount of credit for accepting that would have been wrong & continuing with the deal.

    (This is what he said in the post he deleted & why I was surprised that he did so).


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

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