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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-01-2012 4:02 PM by beat_b. 79 replies.
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  • 10-29-2010 4:24 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Yes, I think it sounds better than the Century, but sound is always subjective.  Try one you'll be very impressed!

  • 10-29-2010 4:29 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    AWESOME!!! Can't wait! I think this could introduce a complete new young generation to the brand!!!

  • 10-30-2010 6:38 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    £950 !!?

    That is at the wrong end of the £750-£1000 spectrum.

    Will need to be sub £800 [ideally sub £700] to shift units and tap into the multiple purchase/present/intro to B&0 market.

    At £950 far fewer people will consider it.

    No Airplay and too expensive = crippled sales from the outset methinks.

    Reduce your margins on this B&O and it could be a winner,converting newbies to the brand who will later buy more profitable products,introduce friends to the marque and so on.

    We will see, but at that price they may be shooting themselves in the foot...











  • 10-30-2010 6:43 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    £695 I will buy one [assuming it hits the spot sonically]

    Possibly two.

    I would recommend it to friends and clients.

    Not a chance at £950.




  • 10-30-2010 8:04 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Totally agree with Synergy. I think £850 is the maximum for a product of this kind. I also agree that this is an amazing way to introduce the brand to a younger and indeed affluent generation.

    I realised how the way that we listen to music has changed when I first started university in 2002. For the generation there, hifi systems simply did not exist - it was iTunes, iPods, laptops and speakers such as BOSE/JBL connected to the laptops with sub woofers.

  • 10-30-2010 9:41 AM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    If you're going to introduce newbies to the "brand", then the product must be overpriced.  That's all part of the B&O experience Big Smile.


  • 10-30-2010 2:03 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !


    I hear the price point is $999 for the US. Is it just a pair of BeoLab 4 PC's with an ipod dock between the two?

    I wonder this to. Is it based on the BeoLab 4 speakers? Personally I really don´t like the sound from the BeoLab 4 at all, not even when you consider it being the entry level speaker of the range

    Those of you fortunate enough how had the chance to listen to the BS 8, what BeoLab product would you compare it to soundvise?





    Newbie! So far: BeoVision 7 40´ Mark V Blu-ray, BeoLab 7-4, BeoLab 9, BeoSound 5,  Beo4, Beo5,  BeoCom 2, BeoTime and A8 Earphones


  • 10-30-2010 2:51 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Hi SwedishBeoFan,

    I must admit ive never been impressed with those ghastly beolab 4s - they are so ugly and cheap looking.

    From reading several comments, BeoLab 4000's and even 6000's have been mentioned in terms of sound quality.

    Who knows but those who have heard it are liking it very very much. I wish it would sound like BeoLab 3's but hey come on!

    I'm sure this BeoSound 8 will be amazing B&O have learnt from previous disasters (DVD1, DVD2, BeoSound 6 etc) I'm sure they won't make a costly mistake again - us iPod dudes don't waste money -we work very hard in recession times for it!!!


  • 10-30-2010 3:01 PM In reply to

    • Opman
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !


    Not a chance at £950.


    This product hasn't even been launched yet. Surely you need to see and hear it before you can assess if its worth the money. You might actually think that it is worth £950 if thats the price being quoted.


  • 10-30-2010 4:39 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I think we have to be realistic here! I can see this as a type of replacement to the Beolab 2000 with link facilities and the additional bonus of being able to attach an iPod or iPad. I reckon the price mentioned for an upgraded version of this will be not far off. Consider a Beolab 3500 is now £1300 and I think we can see where this will slot in.

    I will be starting to set up the product page soon so any helpful information that comes my way would be gratefully received. I will not be breaking the embargo date!

  • 10-31-2010 4:06 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I can certainly see the logic behind your filling a [vacant] price point reasoning..

    But you have to apply the critical reasoning of potential buyers peering through a B&O store window.

    It's an iPod Dock and will be compared to the excellent alternatives south of £400 that those not in the fold are much more likely to buy [despite wanting the BS8] they will not justify the cost.

    Added to which they are more likely to tell their friends how expensive it is,rather than how stylish/sonically marvellous it may be.That is a fact.

    £695 would still be almost twice the price of most peoples ceiling so is still a push and would be a considered choice for a  long term investment rather than an impulse buy as has been alluded to on other threads.

    I totally agree if it sounds like BL4s [cute but unlistenable] oh dear!

    Sadly,I'd wager money that B&O are saying to their dealers:

    "it's a high profit unit for us both.We will all do very well with this new product"

    If they had the foresight to regard it as an opportunity to increase their customer base,cutting margins and marketing it well,then it could be the saviour of the company.

    As it is I don't think this mentality even occurs to them.

    It should!



  • 10-31-2010 4:26 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Referrals will [should] drive sales of BS8.

    You decide to buy one.

    It looks fab.

    Well built.

    Sounds better than the Zep.

    Has an easy to use tactile remote.

    Great pride of ownership.

    A real talking point for visiting friends who will no doubt ask how much it cost.

    Another sale made,without ever having been in a B&O showroom.

    Repeat to fade.

    But the price has to be right for this scenario to take hold.

    At £1000 it just won't happen.





  • 10-31-2010 7:22 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Totally agree with Synergy! This is the iPod generation market!

    B&O have to cut their margins on this one! They tried to be greedy with their 2 mobile phones and... we didn't buy into it   simple!

    There's one bad recession out there - every business is effected and silly money pricing just doesn't do it!

  • 10-31-2010 8:10 AM In reply to

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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I feel, yet another product launch to further weaken the brand. A la Serene, Sereneta, Beosound 3, Beo5, Beosound 6, the list goes on.

    I mean, an iPod doc. Is this the 90's?

  • 10-31-2010 8:13 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I agree with Synergy,

    B&O has to lower the BS8 price (less than 950 EUR) and make it as a starter (in term of range of product) for the new clients that do not have enough money at this time to afford more expensive B&0 products (i.e BS5, BL9, etc...). In the future, those new customers may be the main clients of B&O.

    At the end, cutting their margins on the BS8 is a clever marketing strategy to attract more potential customers and aim a long term business relationship with them.


    --= "Everything gets done with Patience" =-- --= "Less is More" - Mies Van der Rohe"

    --= BV10 46", BL8K, BL4K, BL2, BS Ouverture, BC6000 (Mk3), BT1100, Beo4 , A8 and ...the Atomic Floyd "Airjax+Mic" earphones =--

  • 10-31-2010 8:51 AM In reply to

    • Electrified
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I also have to agree with Synergy.

    It doesn't matter much if it's "worth" more. It will only be worth as much as people are willing to pay for it. And let's face it: It's an iPod dock with speakers. A modern version of the  ghetto blaster or boom box, if you will.

    The iPod generation will look at what's available, and many will think that the zeppeliner is really, really, expensive.

    Further, to add to this, unless it has the connectivity to be used with different sources, it hinges and rely on a product series from another company. That alone will have to mean it's even harder to justify a high price.


  • 10-31-2010 9:07 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Yes, I agree too, once the product series is out of the market, then what's going to happen to the BS8 ?

    I hope B&O provides the opportunity to update the connectivity for different products and future versions of the iPhone or Apple products...

    In my taste it's only an iPhone dock that doesn't justify this hefty price tag and that depends on the life cycle of the Iphone series.

    Just my two cents,


    --= "Everything gets done with Patience" =-- --= "Less is More" - Mies Van der Rohe"

    --= BV10 46", BL8K, BL4K, BL2, BS Ouverture, BC6000 (Mk3), BT1100, Beo4 , A8 and ...the Atomic Floyd "Airjax+Mic" earphones =--

  • 10-31-2010 9:09 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !


    the Beosound 8 will be a nice product, but with no Airplay. That means you will have to put the Ipod/Ipad into the Beosound 8 and you can´t use the Ipod/Ipad for other things. Sorry B&O, that´s a poor solution for a brand new Ipod dock!


  • 10-31-2010 11:12 AM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    I don't see the use of Airplay in a dock! Or you have dedicated speakers with airplay or you have a dock which plays the music from your iPod. 

    And again.. we're discussing a product that's not released yet. We don't know how it exactly looks; what kind of materials it's made of; how it sounds; how the dedicated B&O iPod Touch/iPhone will work; and how the BS8's own remote will look like. 

    Concerning the price.. no matter what product B&O releases.. It's price will always be to high for 90% of us... And we'll be having price discussions until the end of days...

    The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.

  • 10-31-2010 11:32 AM In reply to

    • Electrified
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Karel Uyttendaele:
    I don't see the use of Airplay in a dock! Or you have dedicated speakers with airplay or you have a dock which plays the music from your iPod. 

    But the Beosound 8 is not just a dock. It's a (presumably) rather expensive dock with speakers. Or, in monetary value, it's two speakers connected to a dock.


  • 10-31-2010 12:33 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !


    Karel Uyttendaele:
    I don't see the use of Airplay in a dock! Or you have dedicated speakers with airplay or you have a dock which plays the music from your iPod. 

    But the Beosound 8 is not just a dock. It's a (presumably) rather expensive dock with speakers. Or, in monetary value, it's two speakers connected to a dock.


    that's what I ment... an iPod dock without speakers would make no sense at all... In the mean time we've all seen the drawings... Dolly Parton Bra shaped speakers with a dock in the middle

    The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.

  • 10-31-2010 1:09 PM In reply to

    • Electrified
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Karel Uyttendaele:
    that's what I ment... an iPod dock without speakers would make no sense at all... In the mean time we've all seen the drawings... Dolly Parton Bra shaped speakers with a dock in the middle

    That's my point: Since it's not "just a dock", but in fact two speakers, being able to connect other sources to it, be it another brand of music player, your telly, computer, or an airport express,  would make it worthy of a high price tag. Without that option, it's just add-on speakers for your iPod - until Apple changes the dock connector as they have already done once, rendering some of the add-ons unuseable with the newer iterations.

  • 10-31-2010 1:19 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Hi guys,


    Having read all about this for a few weeks now, I have read that there is an AUX input on the system. Don't know whether it's a 3.5mm socket or phono sockets but hey, at least it does have something so you can connect your laptop or blu-ray player to it!

  • 10-31-2010 1:36 PM In reply to

    • Electrified
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    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Sounds good. Paul. It doesn't matter which sort of plug it is, just that it has the connectivity for it to sell.
    I can't imagine someone of the iPod generation not wanting to at least try to connect his/her computer to it.


  • 10-31-2010 2:32 PM In reply to

    Re: New Bang & Olufsen product November 10 !

    Hi Electrified and Greetings to Denmark!!!

    Yes, totally agree! I'm going back to University next year to study medicine for 4 years and i'll be wanting a BeoSound 8. I have an Apple MacBook that I love and I will DEFINATELY wanting to connect it to the BeoSound for my iTunes and to watch DVD movies.

    I love my iPod - it plugs into the Harmon Kardon sound system in my MINI Cooper, I go running with it, I listen to it on the train and aeroplane. Last year we went skiing to France and it connected to the chalets BOSE sound system there for the best ever Christmas Eve party. All my favourite 800 tracks and counting with me in beautiful CD quality sound from an iPod NANO the size of an English 50pence piece!!!

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