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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-16-2009 9:55 AM by Stoney3K. 33 replies.
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  • 11-01-2009 4:34 PM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    Well, the white BM2000 (early version)  (already linked by Beocool above) is currently my favourite.  It's large and heavy, yet has a certain elegance in both appearance and operation. Judging by comments and posts elsewhere on the forum the BM2000 has been highly rated yet overlooked for some reason.


    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

  • 11-02-2009 4:33 AM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    The one bit of equipment that I will never change in my set up is my CDX. It sounds better than any other B&O cd player (imo) and I like its quirky opening and closing. Its only problem is the lack of remote control. I did get a cd50 with the remote controller and thought that might relegate the CDX but it just didnt sound any where near as nice and as a stand alone unit was a bit ugly.

  • 11-11-2009 3:46 AM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    My Beogram 4002, Beomaster 4400 and Beovox S-75 Stick out tongue

    great products that stood the test of time!

    Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

  • 11-11-2009 5:36 AM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    Agree with above - lovely set up.

  • 11-12-2009 6:00 AM In reply to

    • yachadm
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    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    My Favorite - BeoMaster 3400, BeoGram 6000 Quad, BeoCord 2200 and 4 S45's - the first edition with the fantastic woofers.

    My other Favorite  - BeoMaster 1600 (Moldawer), Beocord 5000 (a new addition). 

    All completely restored to new condition!

    I'm not sure if the BeoCenter 9300 is classified as vintage - I think not, but that's my 3rd system.


    Learn from the mistakes of others - you'll not live long enough to make them all yourself!

  • 12-06-2009 11:31 AM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    My favorite B&O product is the only one I've had the pleasure of owning the Beocord 9000.

    Beautiful design and one of the best super decks IMHO. I use mine every day for recording and playback of my extensive cassette library. Although it may not have the best transport mechanics the recording technologies were among the best when this unit came out.

    I find it simple to use and it always makes a excellent recording no matter what premium tape is used. I also had zero issues with this elegant workhorse.

  • 12-06-2009 3:57 PM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?


    My favorite B&O product is the only one I've had the pleasure of owning the Beocord 9000.

    Beautiful design and one of the best super decks IMHO. I use mine every day for recording and playback of my extensive cassette library. Although it may not have the best transport mechanics the recording technologies were among the best when this unit came out.

    I find it simple to use and it always makes a excellent recording no matter what premium tape is used. I also had zero issues with this elegant workhorse.


    I have one myself.   Agree with your assessment about transports, but eventually all decks need to be serviced and tuned, so I would consider it simply as an opportunity to upgrade to better components.

    Very refined sound, perfect for classical, instrumental, jazz.   Not really ideal for Rock.





  • 12-06-2009 4:30 PM In reply to

    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    Interesting decks - I too have one. The problem with them is that they were created to solve a problem that had just about gone when they were released! Tape manufacturers had agreed on the specs and these were more closely followed by the time the 9000 arrived. However they do have the excellent Dolby HX Pro circuit and are nicely built. There are two types - the later ones being simpler as the Dolby C circuit was changed to a simpler and possibly better design. 

    Afraid I use a 5500 in preference! I cannot hear much above 13kHz so the extra head room is wasted and I find the convenience of auto-reverse and automatic level control too much to give up! The 9000 does make better recordings though! 

  • 12-16-2009 9:55 AM In reply to

    • Stoney3K
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    • Eindhoven, NL
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    Re: What is your favorite vintage B&O product?

    On the bm1900. I brought a spare bm1900 to the office and installed it in a meeting room. A collegue, age 25, came in and sad: Wow that is the latest model, is it not. And he was not joking but looked pretty confused when i told him that it was from the mid 70´s.

    I like the BM2000/3000 more than the 1900, but I think that's more of a personal taste. I never fancied the 'dimples' in the 1900 front panel that hide the copper touch sensor contacts, I think the finish on those was a lot better on the 2000.

    The 2000 series is definitely my favorite. Star Trek: The Next Generation, produced in '87, envisioned touch-panels, touch-screens, touch-everything in the 2400's, but Jensen did it 10 years earlier (with the 1900 and subsequent models). The 2000 looks like it could have been ripped straight from a guest quarters on the Enterprise.


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