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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-25-2007 3:43 AM by Dillen. 1 replies.
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  • 08-25-2007 2:59 AM

    S60 speaker buzz

    I have a pair of S60 speakers and one of the speaker woofer "buzzes" every time there is a bass note. I have inspected the woofer and it appears to be in fine condition, no tears, cracks or anything. Could this be a foam ring problem or the speaker cone itself? Where can I get parts or speaker replacement? Thanks a million.
  • 08-25-2007 3:43 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 02-14-2007
    • Copenhagen / Denmark
    • Posts 5,008
    • Founder

    Re: S60 speaker buzz

    Welcome to Beoworld !

    There are two flexible wires running from the cone to the metal
    chassis, ending in solder tags (that the wires to the crossover
    are soldered to).
    The solder tags are riveted to the woofers metal chassis and
    isolated from the chassis using fiber washers.
    The rivets crack over time due to stress and the inner
    ring has a tendency to slide down the flexible wire causing a rattling sound when playing.
    You need to push the ring back up to the chassis and glue it to the remains of the rivet.
    Often, you'll also find that the inner isolation washer has followed
    the rivet ring.
    Make sure to keep the isolation intact (center the rivet).
    Dismount the woofer from the cabinet, have a look from behind and
    you'll see what I mean.

    Note; The surround on some woofers protrude from the chassis and these
    woofers will NOT like to be placed magnet up on a flat surface
    since this will put the whole weight of the woofer on the surround.

    The above applies to Beovox S60, S75, M70, M75 and others.



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