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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-16-2011 1:35 PM by jack001. 3 replies.
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  • 12-15-2011 6:04 PM

    Wifi connection problem.


    Hi beoworld!

    I got problem about wifi connection.

    After updated my Beo6 by CTtool 5.12, it connected wifi by auto setup.

    During configuration, another "N MUSIC" button came up my Beo 6. (Two "N.MUSIC" buttons on my Beo6.)

    One "N.MUSIC" button is same as old fuction like 'MOST','RED',GREEN','BLUE'... and another "N.MUSIC"button is show up the current album art.

    However, whenever pressing "N.MUSIC" button for album art beo6 shows serching signal sign(moving circle) for a while and come up the message 'wifi connection failed', even if already connected wifi.

    1. Which option should be set up before wifi use? (option for audio master, music server should be change? or something else?)

       (MY connection is BS9000 as master, BS5 is slave.)

    2. Do I have to leave it two"N.MUSIC" buttons on my Beo6 if I use album art?

    Please advice.

    Thank you.


  • 12-15-2011 10:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Wifi connection problem.


    I reply myself.

    I solved this problem.

    When enter set up menu (standby+GO) I founded ghost button (No button name).

    I entered BS5 IP address on my Beo6.

    Then I can see the album art on Beo6 now.

    Thank you.


  • 12-16-2011 2:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Wifi connection problem.

    so you did not have to change your setup -> BS9000 as Audiomaster; because I've already read that tue to connection problems BM5 would have to be set to Audiomaster...which I would not prefer!...

    regards elmar

  • 12-16-2011 1:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Wifi connection problem.


    Hi Elmar.

    I was changed option music server 'yes'.

    Other option is still same. (BS9000 master, BS5 slave)

    After solve this problem still remain problem about album art.

    Pressing "N.MUSIC" It shows three album arts on the Beo6.

    But after pressing '+' or touch the album art directly, doesn't show album art.


    Thank you.



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