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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-13-2011 10:01 AM by joeyboygolf. 6 replies.
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  • 03-12-2011 5:39 PM

    • root
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    offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound

    just to let you know beoworlders: be careful when using parcel2go, I just lost a beosound century due to their "service"!!!

    bought that system via ebay in late november, had it picked up a week later and thought everything was fine. 2 weeks later it still did not arrive so I contacted P2G via their online chat feature. they told me "pick up failed" so I called the sender to make an appointment for a new collection. he informed me that it has been collected and he has a prove of it. so I contacted P2G again, this time they confirmed that it has been collected, but they had to investigate where the parcel is. 3 weeks passed by without any reply, had to contact them again and again until they agreed that it is lost and asked me to describe the lost package and its contents, what I hopefully did. some weeks later they sent me an email stating they could not find the parcel, I should file a claim without delay, as well as claims have to be filed within 28 days after pickup, otherwise they will be rejected. so this is what I call customer service!


  • 03-12-2011 7:37 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound

    Surely the seller has a responsibilty to follow this up with P2G? What has his response been? Did you pay with Paypal - if so you can lodge a claim against the seller. Proof of postage will not uphold a paypal claim against him, he needs proof of delivery to exonerate himself of any responsibilty.


    EDIT - just noticed the dates. Late November is probably out of time to lodge a Paypal claim Sad

    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 03-13-2011 3:52 AM In reply to

    • stotty1111
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    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound

    did you pay paypal by credit card? if so that might be an avenue to go down to get your money back!


    I always try to operate using/following the KISS principle --  Keep it simple stupid!

  • 03-13-2011 6:36 AM In reply to

    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound


    Surely the seller has a responsibilty to follow this up with P2G? What has his response been? Did you pay with Paypal - if so you can lodge a claim against the seller. Proof of postage will not uphold a paypal claim against him, he needs proof of delivery to exonerate himself of any responsibilty.


    EDIT - just noticed the dates. Late November is probably out of time to lodge a Paypal claim Sad

    If, as in this case, the buyer arranges the courier himself, then the seller has no responsibility and any claim with Paypal will fail.

    Been there, done that.

    My to people on the telephone, get their name so you can pester them the next day to check on actions. Emails and "live chat" are crap methods of communication as they are too easy to ignore or place in the pending file. Hence the stretched timescale, in this case.

    Regards Graham

  • 03-13-2011 8:01 AM In reply to

    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound



    Surely the seller has a responsibilty to follow this up with P2G? What has his response been? Did you pay with Paypal - if so you can lodge a claim against the seller. Proof of postage will not uphold a paypal claim against him, he needs proof of delivery to exonerate himself of any responsibilty.


    EDIT - just noticed the dates. Late November is probably out of time to lodge a Paypal claim Sad


    If, as in this case, the buyer arranges the courier himself, then the seller has no responsibility and any claim with Paypal will fail.

    Been there, done that.

    My to people on the telephone, get their name so you can pester them the next day to check on actions. Emails and "live chat" are crap methods of communication as they are too easy to ignore or place in the pending file. Hence the stretched timescale, in this case.


    I agree your gripe is with P2go!  Not the seller, surely they will compensate you??  Get to actually talk to someone and when you are on a personal level they will feel more obliged to help!


  • 03-13-2011 9:20 AM In reply to

    • Stonk
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    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound

    Which delivery company did you use via Parcel2go? Did you choose upgraded insurance compensation to cover the value of the item? I would go directly to the courier company AND keep on at P2G. You need to move quickly as time's against you although I guess that now you've already notified them of the loss you are within the timescale regardless of how long they take to resolve the issue.

    If you didn't insure it above the standard £50 (+/-) cover you'll only be able to put in a claim for that amount.


    If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

  • 03-13-2011 10:01 AM In reply to

    Re: offtopic: parcel2go or how to lose a beosound

    When you book a courier via P2G or the other agencies, your contract is with the agency and it is their insurance cover that is relevent.

    Whichever courier company you choose will not want to know any claim unless you book directly with them.


    Regards Graham

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